Peter Asher to Receive TEC Hall of Fame Award

At the 37th Annual NAMM TEC Awards on June 4, Peter Asher will be presented with the TEC Hall of Fame award. The award is one of TEC's highest honors, recognizing the technical pioneers and artistic innovators of the industry.

Throughout his decades-long career in the music industry, Peter has earned the reputation of one of the industry's most sought-after producers and performers. He has won three GRAMMY awards and has worked on some of the most successful records in music history, including James Taylor's Sweet Baby James. Peter has also worked with Linda Rondstadt, Bonnie Raitt, Cher and Ringo Starr. 

Past winners of the TEC Hall of Fame award include Stevie Wonder, Joni Mitchell, Peter Frampton and Quincy Jones. 

Register to attend The NAMM Show and learn more about the TEC Awards