Item – item-v2011.1.xml
Tag |
Description |
Req |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
XML declaration |
X |
<NAMM_ITEM version="2011.1"> |
File-level Start tag |
X |
<Timestamp/> |
Date/time stamp for this document |
X |
<Id/> |
Document ID |
X |
<SupplierId/> |
GLN/NAMM partner ID |
X |
<Items> |
Start tag |
X |
<Item> |
Start tag |
X |
<SupplierItemId/> |
Supplier product identifier |
X |
<SupplierModel/> |
Supplier model identifier |
X |
<SupplierItemDesc/> |
Supplier item description |
X |
<Kit/> |
Item SKU made up of other SKUs |
X |
<Serialized/> |
Item has a serial number |
X |
<BrandName/> |
Item brand name |
X |
<CountryOrigin/> |
Country of origin |
<Length/> |
Item length |
X |
<Width/> |
Item width |
X |
<Height/> |
Item height |
X |
<DimUOM/> |
Dimension unit of measure (1) |
X |
<Weight/> |
Item weight |
X |
<WeightUOM/> |
Weight unit of measure (1) |
X |
<AnnounceDate/> |
Item announcement date |
X |
<AvailableDate/> |
Item availability date |
X |
<UnavailableDate/> |
Item unavailability date |
<EndOfProductionDate/> |
Item end of production date |
<ReplacementID/> |
Item replacement ID |
<WarrantyPartTerm/> |
Parts warranty term (length) |
X |
<WarrantyPartUOM/> |
Parts warranty unit of measure (1) |
X |
<WarrantyLabTerm/> |
Labor warranty term (length) |
X |
<WarrantyLabUOM/> |
Labor warranty unit of measure (1) |
X |
<Condition/> |
Item condition |
<Barcodes> |
Start tag |
X |
<Barcode> |
Start tag |
X |
<ID/> |
Item numeric barcode |
X |
<Type/> |
Item barcode type |
X |
</Barcode> |
End tag |
X |
</Barcodes> |
End tag |
X |
<Pricing> |
Start tag |
<Price/> |
Item price |
type |
Attribute: price type |
X |
Currency |
Attribute: price Currency |
X |
Qty |
Attribute: price quantity |
</Pricing> |
End tag |
<Containers> |
Start tag |
X |
<Container> |
Start tag |
X |
<Type/> |
Container type |
X |
<Length/> |
Container length |
X |
<Width/> |
Container width |
X |
<Height/> |
Container height |
X |
<DimUOM/> |
Dimensions unit of measure (1) |
X |
<Weight/> |
Container weight |
X |
<WeightUOM/> |
Weight unit of measure (1) |
X |
<UOM/> |
Container unit of measure (1) |
X |
<QtyPerUOM/> |
Item quantity per unit of measure |
X |
<Barcodes> |
Start tag |
<Barcode> |
Start tag |
<ID/> |
Container numeric barcode |
X |
<Type/> |
Container barcode type |
X |
</Barcode> |
End tag |
</Barcodes> |
End tag |
</Container> |
End tag |
X |
</Containers> |
End tag |
X |
<MarketingInfo> |
Start tag |
X |
<PrimaryCategory/> |
Item primary category |
X |
<ProductURL/> |
Item URL |
<ItemDescLong/> |
Item long description |
<SecondaryCategories> |
Start tag |
<Category/> |
Item secondary category |
</SecondaryCategories> |
End tag |
<Bullets> |
Start tag |
<Bullet/> |
Item bullet point |
</Bullets> |
End tag |
<Media> |
Start tag |
<Images> |
Start tag |
<Image/> |
Item image |
Audience |
Attribute: image intended audience |
View |
Attribute: image intended view |
Caption |
Attribute: image caption |
CarouselSequence |
Attribute: image carousel sequence |
</Images> |
End tag |
<Videos> |
Start tag |
<Video/> |
Item video |
Audience |
Attribute: video intended audience |
type |
Attribute: video type |
X |
Caption |
Attribute: video caption |
</Videos> |
End tag |
<Documents> |
Start tag |
<Document/> |
Item document |
Audience |
Attribute: document intended audience |
type |
Attribute: document type |
X |
Caption |
Attribute: document caption |
</Documents> |
End tag |
<Audios> |
Start tag |
<Audio/> |
Item audio |
Audience |
Attribute: audio intended audience |
type |
Attribute: audio type |
X |
Caption |
Attribute: audio caption |
</Audios> |
End tag |
</Media> |
End tag |
X |
<Keywords> |
Start tag |
<Keyword/> |
Item marketing keyword |
</Keywords> |
End tag |
</MarketingInfo> |
End tag |
X |
<ExtendedAttributes> |
Start tag |
<Data> |
Start tag |
Name |
Attribute: data name |
X |
<Topic> |
Start tag |
<SuperTitle/> |
Item supertitle |
<Title/> |
Item title |
<SubTitle/> |
Item subtitle |
<Credits/> |
Item credits |
<Contributor/> |
Item contributor |
primary |
Attribute: primary credit |
X |
Contribution |
Attribute: primary contribution |
X |
ContributorName |
Attribute: contributor name |
X |
ContributorNameReversed |
Attribute: contributor name reversed |
X |
<Copyright> |
Start tag |
<CopyrightLine/> |
Topic copyright text |
</Copyright> |
End tag |
</Topic> |
End tag |
<Contributor/> |
Other contributor |
primary |
Attribute: primary credit |
X |
Contribution |
Attribute: primary contribution |
X |
ContributorName |
Attribute: contributor name |
X |
ContributorNameReversed |
Attribute: contributor name reversed |
X |
</Data> |
End tag |
</ExtendedAttributes> |
End tag |
<RelatedItems> |
Start tag |
<RelatedItem> |
Start tag |
type |
Attribute: related item type |
X |
included |
Attribute: related item included |
<SupplierItemID/> |
Related item supplier item ID |
X |
<Barcode> |
Start tag |
<ID> |
Related item numeric barcode |
X |
<Type> |
Related item barcode type |
X |
</Barcode> |
End tag |
</RelatedItem> |
End tag |
</RelatedItems> |
End tag |
<ItemFamily/> |
Item family |
property |
Attribute: family property |
X |
code |
Attribute: family code |
X |
<Availability> |
Start tag |
<QtyOnHand/> |
Item quantity on hand |
<Available/> |
Item availability |
X |
<QueryURL/> |
Item query URL |
</Availability> |
End tag |
</Item> |
End tag |
X |
</Items> |
End tag |
X |
End tag |
X |
(1) See Appendix A, "Codes Tables".