Summer NAMM - Important Exhibitor Guidelines

Thank you for exhibiting at Summer NAMM 2021! Please review all of this important material thoroughly and check the Calendar for important deadlines.

General Show Information

Booth Cleaning

Booth cleaning is not included with your booth package. If you need your booth vacuumed prior to show opening, you must order cleaning service provided by Freeman. Order Online before June 15th to receive additional discount pricing.

Booth Food & Beverage Service

The Music City Center retains the exclusive right to provide, control, and maintain all food and beverage services within the Music City Center. All food and beverage must be ordered through them. Alcohol is prohibited on the show floor during move-in and move-out. If you would like to order catering for your booth, please visit the Booth Catering Order Form. You can also email with questions.

Booth Occupancy

Your booth must be staffed and open for business during regular show hours. You may not dismantle your booth prior to show close. Failure to adhere to these rules may result in a fine and/or losing priority status at future trade shows. When planning your booth, consider an open booth design and please review our Health & Safety plan carefully.

Booth Package

Reserve your booth space and find out all the ways to extend your brand presence online and at the show!

Booth Regulations

Exhibitors must follow the booth regulations set forth in this exhibitor service manual, making note of all height and construction information. Booth designs that do not comply with NAMM’s booth display rules and regulations must be approved by Fire Marshal, Structural Engineer, and NAMM. Booth Variance Requests must be submitted no later than June 25, 2021. NAMM management will review each request on a case by case basis. Submissions are not a guarantee of approval. Approvals are only valid for the 2020 Summer NAMM Show only.

Business Center

There is a UPS Store business center located at the Music City Center. Normal business hours are Monday through Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm. This center offers printing services, computer and copier rentals and shipping. Please note: Shipping through Freeman will be more cost-effective, as UPS may have additional handling/storage fees.


Children under the age of 18 are not allowed on the show floor during move-in or move-out. Children are allowed on the show floor on show days only and must be supervised. Baby strollers are prohibited at the Summer NAMM show at all times. All attendees are expected to follow the NAMM Show Floor Sound and Demonstration Policy. We also strongly recommend bringing ear protection for children attending the show.

Clean Aisle Policy

To improve safety, efficiency and easy navigation of the aisles, NAMM requests that exhibit crates and bins be emptied of their content and tagged with empty labels by Tuesday, July 7 at 5:00pm. Cartons with product and other product-related materials may be kept in the booth for exhibit merchandising until Wednesday, July 6, at 5:00pm.


Refer to the Show Floor Sound and Demonstration Policy.

Early Exhibitor/Buyer Appointments

Exhibitors are allowed to escort Buyers to their booth for early-morning meetings on show days from 8:00am – 9:00am. All parties must be credentialed with photo ID’s and must stay within their contracted booth space. For meetings involving more than five buyers, Exhibitors need to make special arrangements with NAMM’s Trade Show Sales team by calling (760) 438-8001.

Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC)

EAC’s include, but are not limited to installation and dismantle contractors, booth designers and builders, non-official florists, furniture suppliers, piano movers, laborers or any individual who is not a full-time employee of your company. All EAC’s must adhere to local union jurisdictions. If using an EAC, Exhibitors must submit an EAC Application Form to NAMM no later than June 18, 2021.

IMPORTANT: All Exhibitors are responsible for ensuring that any EAC’s they hire and bring into the show have the proper insurance. For Insurance Requirements are located on the NAMM Exhibitor Dashboard.

Exhibit Hall

The Music City Center is located at 700 Korean Veterans Blvd., Nashville, TN 37203. Summer NAMM exhibits are in Halls B-C.


Order Electrical for your booth online through the Music City Center. Plan ahead and order before the deadline to receive discount pricing. Please note, electrical is not included with your booth package.

Exhibit Space Payment

Exhibitors with outstanding exhibit space payments will not be permitted to move-in and set-up. Exhibitors are responsible for assuring that their exhibit space has been paid in full prior to the show. The booth payment deadline is May 12, 2021.

Freight Shipping Addresses

Advance Warehouse

Will receive June 15, 2021 – July 6, 2021.

[Exhibiting Company Name]
2021 Summer NAMM 
C/o Freeman
825 Visco Drive
Nashville, TN 37210

Show site Shipping Address

Refer to Quick Facts for move-in day & time. Cannot deliver before July 13, 2021.

[Exhibiting Company Name]
2021 Summer NAMM 
C/o Freeman
Music City Center
700 Korean Veterans Blvd
Nashville, TN 37203


Refer to the Quick Facts for Marshaling Yard information and for more information on hand-carry and POV (personally owned vehicle) instructions.


The use of atmospheric effects requires approval from the Music City Center and NAMM and additional fire watch will be required. Submissions are not a guarantee of approval. To request permission, please contact

Inflatables & Balloons

Inflatables and balloons are not permitted in the Music City Center without prior written approval. Please complete the Booth Variance Request Form no later than June 25, 2021. Submissions are not a guarantee of approval.


Proof of insurance for the show is mandatory. NAMM does not provide any type of insurance coverage for the property and/or personnel of exhibiting companies (see booth space contract). Exhibitors must maintain insurance that meets the requirements outlined in this manual and on your booth space contract. If you already have compliant coverage through your own provider, make sure to email that COI to and bring a copy of the certificate with you to the show. If you do not have coverage, it can easily be secured through Rainprotection at a negotiated rate provided to NAMM Exhibitors. Please visit our Insurance Requirements page for exhibitor insurance guidelines and options.

Laser Regulations & Light Projection

The projection of light or laser in any form onto any part of the building or other exhibits must be pre-approved by Summer NAMM Management. Flashing or neon-lit signs or electronic displays or sound-emitting devices must be constructed or controlled in a manner that will not interfere with or constitute a nuisance to other Exhibitors or attendees. Please review the Laser Regulations for important laser information and resources. For questions, please email

Full-time employees of the exhibiting companies may set their own exhibits without the assistance of the Local Stagehand Union. Any labor services that may be required beyond what your regular full-time employees can provide must be rendered by the Union or an EAC. Labor can be ordered in advance or at show site from the Freeman Service Center, located at the back of Hall C.

Late Set-up

All late set-ups must be approved by Summer NAMM Management, as Emergency Medical Technicians must be present in the building. If you are unable to stay within the booth set-up times, alert show management in advance at NAMM staff will be maintaining the hall during set-up days/hours and can answer any questions regarding this policy.

Marshaling Yard

Located at 825 Visco Drive, Nashville, TN 37210

**All van lines and common carriers must check in at the Freeman Marshaling Yard.**

Piano Move-in/Out

All Exhibitors bringing in and assembling pianos should work with licensed piano movers. Piano movers are considered an EAC; therefore Exhibitors must complete an EAC form and submit to NAMM. The EAC must also obtain the required insurance outlined in this Exhibitor Service Manual. NOTE: Freeman will not move pianos in or out of the facility.

Product Giveaway/No Selling

NAMM is a trade-only event. Over-the-counter transactions (cash, check or credit card) that involve the collection of associated taxes may not take place at the Summer NAMM show. Only business orders for future delivery allowed. However giveaways and samples are permitted.

Product Removal

Material Release Passes are required for attendees to carry items off the show floor during show hours. This includes removing an instrument or other product off the show floor by a person other than the exhibiting company staff. Passes may be obtained by Exhibitors ONLY at the Registration. Exhibiting companies may remove product from the show floor during show hours, provided that the product matches the brand name on the badge and a corresponding photo ID is provided. Over-the-counter cash/credit card transactions are prohibited.

Promotional Distribution

Distribution of any printed materials, samples or other articles shall be restricted to the confines of the Exhibitor’s own exhibit space. Signs or advertising devices shall not be displayed outside of each Exhibitor’s own space. If you have any questions or would like more information about outside advertising, please contact Summer NAMM Show Management at

Retailer Freight Pick-up

Retailers picking up material at close of show will be treated as any other carrier. Exhibitors must have product labeled, packed and ready to ship with a completed MHA (Bill of Lading) returned to the Freeman Service Desk when authorizing freight release to retailers. Retailers must check in at the marshaling yard and will be directed to the dock area when the Exhibitor’s shipment is packed and ready. Non-Exhibitors and minors are not allowed on the show floor during move-out.


NAMM makes every effort to provide protection for Exhibitors’ merchandise and displays. Perimeter guard service on a 24-hour basis to include move-in, show days and move-out is put in place. While these measures are implemented to safeguard your property, neither Summer NAMM Management, the Music City Center, security contractor, drayage contractor, decorator, nor any of their officers, agents or employees assumes any responsibility for such property, loss or theft. To order additional booth security, such as an overnight guard, see the Security Order Form in this exhibitor service manual.


Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the Music City Center exhibit hall, lobbies and meeting rooms during move-in, move-out and all show days.

Sound & Demonstration Policy

The Show Floor Sound & Demonstration policy must be adhered to and will be enforced by NAMM at all times throughout the show. Sound levels may not exceed 85 decibels as determined by the Summer NAMM Floor Management Team. Demonstrations may not exceed 2 minutes, impeded aisle space or cause disruption to neighboring booths. Please carefully review the Show Floor Sound & Demonstration Policy page for additional information.


Any Exhibitor placing stickers on NAMM signage or the Music City Center property will be charged accordingly for the defacement of the property.


Fire regulations in most exhibit facilities prohibit storing product, literature, empty packing containers or packing materials behind back drapes or under draped tables. In most cases, however, Exhibitors may store a limited supply of literature or product appropriately within the booth area, so long as these items do not impede access to utility services, create a safety problem or look unsightly.

Telephone & Internet Services

Order Telephone and Internet Services for your booth online through the Music City Center. Plan ahead and order before the deadline to receive discount pricing. Please note, telephone and internet services are not included with your booth package.

Use of Aisles and Common Areas

In the interest of safety and aesthetics and to prevent congestion in common areas, Exhibitors must limit and confine their activities, solicitation efforts and the distribution of promotional materials, products, literature and displays to the confines of their exhibit space.

Guidelines for Display Rules & Regulations

2021 Summer NAMM - Booth Display Types & Regulations

NAMM generally follows the International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE) guidelines for display rules and regulations. IAEE’s revised 2019 edition has been used as a resource to create consistent and fair exhibiting standards for the NAMM events.

NAMM intends to operate Summer NAMM as a cost-effective event that is moderately sized and held in a relaxed atmosphere. In keeping with this direction, NAMM is requesting that Exhibitors construct single-story displays only. Hanging signs or other items from the ceiling is prohibited.

The following display rules and regulations will be strictly enforced by the NAMM Floor Management Team.


Variance Requests

Only exhibits that do not comply with NAMM’s booth display rules and regulations must submit a booth variance request to NAMM no later than June 25, 2021. If you feel your booth space does not fit into one of these categories, please complete the Booth Variance Request Form.

  • NAMM Management will review all submissions carefully and respond in writing
  • NAMM reserves the right to require a structural engineer’s approval
  • Approved variances are valid for the 2021 Summer NAMM Show only
  • Variance requests will not be accepted on site


Small Booths

Linear Booth guidelines will apply to small booths.

  • 6’ deep x 8’ wide = 48 square feet
  • Includes black 8’ high draped back wall and 36” draped side rails to define the space
  • Includes 4’ long x 30” high black-draped table
  • Includes Company ID Sign
  • Includes one chair


Tabletop Booth

Tabletop booths have only one side exposed to the aisle and are generally arranged in a series along a straight line.

  • 6’ deep x 5’ wide = 30 square feet.
  • Includes black 8’ high draped back wall and 36” draped side rails to define the space
  • Includes 4’ long x 30” high black-draped table
  • Includes Company ID Sign
  • Includes one chair


Linear Booth

Linear booths, also called "inline" booths, are arranged in a straight line and usually have neighboring exhibitors on their immediate right and left, leaving only one side exposed to the aisle. Most commonly 10' (3.05 m.) wide and 10' (3.05 m.) deep, i.e., 10'x10' (3.05 m. by 3.05 m.).

  • The maximum back wall height limitation is eight feet (8ft) (2.44m). Exception: Perimeter booths that are linear are allowed to have a twelve foot (12ft) (3.66m) back wall.
  • Regardless of the number of linear booths utilized, e.g. 10'x20' (3.05 m. by 6.10 m.), 10'x30' (3.05 m. by 9.14 m.), 10'x40' (3.05 m. by 12.19 m.), etc. display materials must be arranged in such a manner so as not to obstruct sight lines (line-of-site rule) of neighboring exhibitors. The maximum height of 8' (2.44 m.) is allowed only in the rear half of the booth space (the back 5'), with a 4' (1.22m) height restriction imposed on all materials in the remaining space forward to the aisle.
  • Hardwall booths must be a minimum of nine (9) inches from the back booth line for electrical access.
  • Linear Booths include black 8’ high draped back wall and 36” draped side rails to define the space.

The diagram below is an example of what will be permitted for Linear Booth Construction.




Corner Booth

A Corner Booth is a Linear Booth exposed to aisles on two (2) sides. All other guidelines for Linear Booths apply.

Perimeter Booth

A Perimeter Booth is a Linear Booth that backs to an outside wall of the exhibit facility rather than to another exhibit.

Booth Package: Includes black 8’ high draped back wall and 36” draped side rails, and 7” x 44” Company ID Sign.

  • All guidelines for Linear Booths apply to Perimeter Booths except that the maximum back wall height is twelve feet (12ft) (3.66m).
  • All fire equipment (hoses, extinguishers, strobe lights, speakers) must remain unobstructed and visible at all times.



End-Cap Booth

An End-Cap configuration is an in-line (linear) booth placed in the position of a Peninsula or Split Island.

Booth Package: Includes 10 feet of black 8’ high draped back wall and 36” draped side rails, and 7” x 44” Company ID Sign

  • End-cap booths are generally 10ft (3.05m) deep by 20ft (6.10m) wide. The maximum back wall height allowed is 8ft (2.44m) and the maximum back-wall width allowed is 10ft (3.05m) at the center of the back wall with a maximum 5ft (1.52m) height on the two side aisles. Within 5’ of the two side aisles, the maximum height for any display materials is 4’.
  • Display materials must be arranged in such a manner so as not to obstruct sight lines (line-of-site rule) of neighboring exhibitors.





Peninsula Booth – Backed up to Linear Booth

Exposed to aisles on three (3) sides and is composed of a minimum of four 10’ x 10’ (3.05m x 3.05m) booths and backs up to Linear Booths.

Booth Package: Includes 10 feet of black back wall drape consisting of (2) 36” H x 5’W and 8’H x 10’W and 7” x 44” Company ID Sign 

  • A Peninsula Booth is usually a 20’ x 20’ (6.1m x 6.1m) or larger. When a Peninsula Booth backs up to two Linear Booths, the back wall is restricted to four feet (4ft) (1.22m) high within five feet (5ft) (1.52m) of each aisle, permitting adequate line-of-sight for the adjoining Linear Booths.
  • Sixteen feet (16ft) (4.78m) is the maximum height allowance, including signage, for the center portion of the back wall. Double-sided signs, logos and graphics shall be set back ten feet (10ft) (3.05m) from adjacent booths.





Split Island Peninsula Booth

A Split Island Booth is a Peninsula Booth that shares a common back wall with another Peninsula Booth.

Booth Package: Includes black 8’ high draped back wall, separating the adjoining peninsula booth.

  • The entire cubic content may be used, without any back wall line-of-sight restrictions
  • Sixteen feet (16ft) (4.87m) is the maximum height allowance, including ground, supported signage
  • The common back wall must be finished with paint or drape and may not carry any branding or identification that would detract from the adjoining exhibit. All signs, branding and logos must be set back ten feet (10ft) (3.05m) from the adjoining booth
  • Multi-Story booths are prohibited
  • Hanging Signs are prohibited






Island Booth

An Island Booth is any size booth exposed to aisles on all four sides.

  • Sixteen feet (16ft) (4.87m) is the maximum height allowance, including ground, supported signage
  • Multi-Story booths are prohibited
  • Hanging Signs are prohibited
  • Pipe and drape is not included





Extended Header Booth

Extended Header Booth is a Linear Booth twenty feet (20ft) (6.10m) or longer with a center extended header.

  • All guidelines for Linear Booths apply to Extended Header Booths, except that the center extended header has a maximum height of 8ft (2.44m), a maximum width of 20 percent of the length of the booth, and a maximum depth of 9ft (2.7m) from the back wall. 



Canopies and Ceilings

Canopies, including ceilings, umbrellas and canopy frames, can be either decorative or functional (such as to shade computer monitors from ambient light or for hanging products). Canopies for Linear or Perimeter Booths must comply with line-of-sight requirements for Linear and Perimeter Booths.

  • The base of the Canopy should not be lower than seven feet (7ft) (2.13m) from the floor within five feet (5ft) (1.52m) of any aisle. Canopy supports should be no wider than three inches (3in) (.08m). This applies to any booth configuration that has a line-of-site rule, such as Linear Booth.
  • Exhibitors are cautioned when installing a display with a ceiling to check with the local fire department to ensure that display meets with the necessary fire safety precautions involving smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, sprinkler systems, etc. Smoke alarms will be required in any covered booth.





A Tower is a freestanding exhibit component separate from the main exhibit fixture.

  • The height restriction is the same as that which applies to the appropriate exhibit configuration being used.
  • Fire and safety regulations in many facilities strictly govern the use of towers.
  • Submit drawings to NAMM for towers in excess of eight feet (8ft) (2.44m), as a building permit and safety/seismic lines may be required.
  • All towers in excess of eight feet (8gt) (2.44m) must submit a request for a booth variance by June 25, 2021.


Theatrical Truss, Lighting, Speakers and Fixtures

  • Exhibitors are cautioned when installing a display with trussing to comply with the permissible height corresponding to their booth configuration (for example, the highest point of any truss may not exceed the maximum allowable height for the booth type).
  • NOTE: Ceiling supported truss hangs and hanging signs are not permitted
  • No lighting, fixtures, lighting trusses or overhead lighting are allowed outside the boundaries of the exhibit space.
  • Lighting must be directed to the inner confines of the booth space. Lighting must comply with facility rules
  • Lighting that spins, rotates, pulsates and other specialized lighting effects should be in good taste and not interfere with neighboring exhibitors or otherwise detract from the general atmosphere of the event.


Light Projection

Company product that projects lights or lasers.

  • Lighting must be directed to the inner confines of the booth space and must not be directed outside of the booth.
  • Lighting that spins, rotates, pulsates and other specialized lighting effects should be in good taste and not interfere with neighboring Exhibitors or otherwise detract from the general atmosphere of the event.
  • The FDA may be monitoring regulatory compliance of Laser Light Show Manufacturers and other operators of Laser Light Shows at the show. This includes verifying that all operators have an approved Variance, and are operating in accordance with any conditions imposed by the Variance.
  • For questions please contact


Atmospheric Effects

Theatrical fog, also known as special effect fog or haze, is a category of atmospheric effects used in the music and entertainment industry..

  • The use of atmospheric effects requires approval from The Music City Center and NAMM. Please reach out to
  • Effects must not interfere with or discomfort neighboring Exhibitors or otherwise detract from the general atmosphere of the event. 
  • If approved, exhibitor would need to pay for fire watch, according to approved demonstration schedule.

  • Approved Schedule: Testing on the Wednesday before the event would be allowed, but demonstrations should take place during show days & hours only

  • Product Demonstrations may only take place during show hours

  • It is important that atmospheric effects, such as fog, haze, and theatrical smoke effects be safe. All hazing must be water based


Other Important Considerations

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

All exhibiting companies are required to be in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and are encouraged to be sensitive, and as reasonably accommodating as possible, to attendees with disabilities. Information regarding ADA compliance is available from the U.S. Department of Justice ADA Information Line (800-514-0301) and from the Web site


Booth Activity/ Crowd Control

Booth activity of any kind must be confined within the contracted booth space so as not to interfere with traffic flow in the aisles or encroach into neighboring exhibits. Exhibitors must contract sufficient booth space in order to comply with these rules. If planning any type of booth activity which may draw a crowd, exhibitor is required to assign booth personnel and/or hire security guards to manage the area and keep the aisles and neighboring exhibits clear. If necessary, NAMM reserves the right to hire security to manage the area at the exhibitor’s expense.


Carpet/ Flooring

The exhibit area and aisles will NOT be carpeted. Show Management will not require exhibitors to have booth carpet/flooring this year. As a reminder, all cords will need to be taped down and/or secured to maintain safety. Rental carpet is still available through Freeman. Please refer to the Carpet Brochure and Order form located in this manual for options.



Every exhibit facility has different electrical requirements; however, minimum guidelines are suggested:

  • All 110-volt wiring should be grounded three-wire.
  • Wiring that touches the floor should be “SO” (minimum 14-gauge/three-wire) flat cord that is insulated to qualify for “extra hard usage.”
  • Cord wiring above floor level can be “SJ” that is rated for “hard usage.”
  • Using zip cords, two-wire cords, latex cords, plastic cord, lamp cord, open clip sockets and two-wire clamp-on fixtures is not recommended and is often prohibited. Cube taps are not recommended and are often prohibited.
  • Power strips (multi-plug connectors) should be UL approved, with built-in overload protectors.
  • Electrical access must remain inside the booth confines.


Fire Equipment

The Exhibit Facility's fire hoses and extinguishers must be visible and accessible at all times, including but not limited to those attached to a column located inside the confines of a booth.


Flammable and Toxic Material

  • All materials used in display construction or decorating should be made of retardant materials and be certified as flame retardant. Samples should also be available for testing.
  • Materials that cannot be treated to meet the requirements are not advised.
  • A flame proofing certificate should be available for inspection.
  • Exhibitors must dispose of any waste products they generate during the exhibition in accordance with guidelines established by the Environmental Protection Agency and the facility.


Pipe & Drape

Black pipe and drape is used to define the booth space, however it is not designed or intended to be a used as a display fixture.  Hanging product and signs, with the exception of light weight signage or soft goods, from this is not advised and may be prohibited onsite by the NAMM Floor Management Team.



NAMM is a trade show for buyers and sellers of music products to conduct business in leased booth space. Part of that business is trying out the music products; however, there are parameters by which this can be done within the booth space and continue to provide a safe and business-friendly environment on the show floor.

Please refer to the NAMM Show Floor Sound and Demonstration Policy to ensure your booth is in full compliance throughout the show.

Please submit the Instrument Cleaning & Demo Submission Form to provide a few simple details of how you plan to manage the cleaning and germ mitigation. Here is some helpful information to get you started.



No storage of any kind is allowed behind booths or near electrical service. All materials such as literature and giveaways must be stored neatly within the booth. Violators will be notified and if not removed by show opening, NAMM will remove and store at the exhibitor’s expense.

All empty cartons or crates must be labeled and removed for storage or they will be removed as trash. Crates or cases used for display must be masked or in exhibition suitable condition.  


Structural Integrity

All exhibit displays must be designed and erected in a manner that will withstand normal contact or vibration caused by neighboring Exhibitors, hall laborers or installation/dismantling equipment such as forklifts. Displays must also be able to withstand moderate wind effects that may occur in the exhibit hall when freight doors are open. Refer to local building codes that regulate temporary structures. Exhibitors must ensure that any display fixtures such as tables, racks or shelves are designed and installed properly to support the product or marketing material to be displayed upon them.


Unfinished Booths

Any portion of the exhibit bordering another Exhibitor’s booth must have the back side of that portion finished with paint or drape and must not carry identification signs or other copy that would detract from the adjoining exhibit. Exhibitors with any visible unfinished portions to their booth prior to show opening may incur charges to have these portions finished on-site. Carpeting or flooring is NOT required this year.



Please be aware that all gas fueled vehicles used for display shall have batteries disconnected, fuel supplies at 1/4 tank or 5 gallons, whichever is less, and be furnished with locking gas caps or caps sealed with tape. Protection must be placed underneath all display vehicles in order to prevent any damage in the event of a leak. To coordinate your vehicle delivery to your booth, please contact Bobby Hackett at

Exhibitor Insurance

Proof of insurance for the show is mandatory.

Having insurance will protect your company, employees, and volunteers, should a claim arise against you for something that occurred at your booth. NAMM does not provide any type of insurance coverage for the property and/or personnel of exhibiting companies (see booth space contract).  Exhibitors must maintain insurance that meets the requirements outlined below and on your booth space contract.  If you already have compliant coverage through your own provider, make sure to email a copy of this to before the show.  If you do not have coverage, it can easily be secured through Rain Protection at a negotiated rate provided to NAMM exhibitors.  Scroll down this page for details or email

The following are the insurance certificate requirements:

  1. NAMM, the Convention Center Authority of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, and the City of Nashville shall be added as additional names insured on the Exhibitor's “Comprehensive General Liability Insurance” policy.
  2. The Exhibitor shall keep an original insurance certificate onsite at all times, to evidence the insurance coverage required herein. An original signed certificate of insurance will only be accepted if it has met the requirements: If there are any exhibitor insurance questions email Rain Protection at
  3. Coverage must be provided for all show days as well as move-in and move-out days, July 13 - July 18, 2021, inclusive (“Required Period of Coverage”).
  4. Workers’ Compensation and Employers’ Liability Insurance or equivalent insurance with a policy limit of not less than $1,000,000. Occupational Diseases Insurance as required by the laws of all governmental bodies having jurisdiction.
  5. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance, including Contractual Liability Insurance with (1) minimum limits of not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence of bodily injury and death, and $1,000,000 each occurrence for property damage, or (2) minimum combined single limit of not less than $2,000,000 each occurrence for bodily injury and death and property damage.
  6. Automobile Liability Insurance covering all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles used in the set-up and disassembly services with (1) minimum limits of not less than $250,000 each person and $500,000 each accident for bodily injury and $500,000 each accident for property damage, or (2) a minimum combined single limit of not less than $1,000,000 each accident for bodily injury and property damage.
  7. The Exhibitor’s insurance certificate must also include a statement by the insurance carrier that the carrier shall not cancel the coverage evidenced by the certificate without giving NAMM thirty (30) days prior written notice.
  8. Excess Liability Umbrella Form policy requirements with minimum limits (1) of not less than $1,000,000 Each Occurrence and (2) $1,000,000 Aggregate.

​Certificate of Insurance

Sample of a required Certificate of Insurance for 2021 Summer NAMM:


Exhibitor Liability Insurance Program

As a standard requirement for all of our show exhibitors, it is necessary for you to carry general liability coverage from an insurance company in good standing with minimum policy limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $1,000,000 aggregate.

This insurance must be in force during the lease dates of the event, naming National Association of Music Merchants (5790 Armada Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008) as the certificate holder. NAMM, the Convention Center Authority of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville, Davidson County and the City of Nashville shall be named as additional insured.

NAMM has requested that Rainprotection serve as their insurance management company. In addition to being able to provide exhibitors with insurance, we are also collecting and verifying that all insurance certificates, regardless of the insurer, are verified for compliance. If you have your own insurance, please submit a copy to

Simply purchase your insurance, which is already pre-filled with all of the proper show information, directly online using a credit card.

Purchase Liability Insurance for just $89

NON USA EXHIBITORS - Address and Phone Number instructions:

When filling in your company information it will ask for a phone number and address. Please use the following:

Address - 201 5th Avenue South Nashville, TN 37203
Phone Number - (800) 528-7975

This program is valuable for:

  • Exhibitors who do not have any insurance.
  • International Exhibitors whose liability insurance will not cover them at a U.S Show.
  • Companies who do not have the time to deal with all of the certificate arrangements, and need coverage now.
  • Exhibitors who find it easier or advantageous to use this program, rather than their corporate insurance; Similar to when you rent a car and do not want to use your own auto insurance.
  • Should there be a claim, it will not tarnish your policy and rates. And, unlike most corporate policies, there is no deductible.

We also offer affordable short term Equipment/Merchandise/Display Insurance

All exhibitors are strongly urged to obtain full-coverage temporary insurance for their merchandise and displays while in transit and while at the exposition.

Please complete and return the Instant Equipment Insurance Enrollment Form.

Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC)

Exhibitor Appointed Contractor 

An Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC) is any individual or companies hired to set-up and dismantle or provide service to a booth who is not an employee of the exhibiting company. EAC's include but are not limited to installation and dismantle contractors, booth designers and builders, non-official florists, furniture suppliers, piano movers and laborers.

Register as an EAC

EAC's are required to register to service an exhibitor no later than June 18, 2021. Any exhibitors using Freeman for their booth do not need to complete the EAC form, as Freeman is the official general contractor for Summer NAMM. Exhibitors should contact NAMM Operations if an error has been made.

Please note, exhibitors will receive a notification confirming that the EAC has registered to perform work for them at the show. Exhibitors are responsible for ensuring that their EACs have the proper insurance and can provide this on-site. Please review our insurance requirements for additional information.

EAC Application

How to Safely Demo Your Products at Summer NAMM

Show Floor Sound & Demonstration Policy

Summer NAMM is a trade show for buyers and sellers of music products to conduct business in leased booth space. Part of that business is trying out the music products; however, there are parameters by which this can be done within the booth space while providing a safe and business- friendly environment on the show floor. NAMM is committed to providing a successful environment for its members to do business, and the following outlines how this intends to be accomplished.

The following policy must be adhered to and will be enforced by NAMM at all times throughout the show:

  • Sound level may not exceed 85 decibels as determined by the Summer NAMM Floor Management Team.
  • Demonstrations may not exceed 2 minutes, impede aisle space or cause disruption to neighboring booths. Exhibitor is responsible for receiving the proper approval from Summer NAMM Management.


  1. An exhibitor or attendee in violation of this policy will receive a verbal warning by the Summer NAMM Floor Management Team
  2. If the exhibitor continues to violate this policy, a written warning will be delivered by the Summer NAMM Floor Management Team
  3. If an attendee continues to violate this policy, their badge will be removed for the remainder of the show
  4. If the exhibitor continues to violate this policy despite the two official warnings, the booth will be closed for the remainder of the day
    • Electrical power will be removed, if applicable
    • Drape will be placed at the front of the booth along with a sign stating “Closed due to sound level violation”
  5. If a violation continues the following day, the booth will be permanently closed and/or removed from the show floor for the remainder of the show. (Booth fees are non-refundable)

Please be advised that exhibitors receiving three sound violations will jeopardize their booth location at future NAMM trade shows.  Complaints of sound regulation violations may be made directly to the Summer NAMM Floor Management Team or reported to the Show Office.  Please contact your NAMM business partner for more tips and options to help control your sound at the show.

Steps NAMM takes to help support a positive musical experience in a business environment for everyone:

  • Categorize the show floor by product types to place products of similar volume together
  • Arrange booths and aisles in a way that provides “buffer” zones to help alleviate sound issues among exhibiting neighbors
  • Provide ear plugs for attendees and exhibitors to utilize during the show
  • Enforce the maximum decibel level at 85 so all booths demo instruments at a “background” level and not at full volume
  • Provide demo rooms at no cost – schedule ahead of time with Summer NAMM Show Management; email for more detail
  • Provide options for sound-absorbing booth materials – affordable rentals available through FreemanOnline.

Steps Exhibitors can take to help support a positive musical experience in a business environment for everyone:

  • Utilize sound rooms, shields, and sound-absorption material in booth construction
  • Utilize headphones during demos
  • Utilize the NAMM demo room, available at no cost
  • Do not place demonstration area or demonstration stage on the aisle; manage your area appropriately
  • Do not point speakers into the aisle or other booths; direct them into your booth space
  • If the demo product is percussion, please remove the drum throne seat in between demos so attendees do not sit and play in a manner not conducive to background-level sound
  • If the product is percussion, use drum brushes versus sticks to help control the level of sound
  • Place signs in booth near demo instruments stating the sound level and length of time – ensure attendees adhere to these guidelines
  • Notify attendees immediately if they are testing equipment too long or too loud and that the Summer NAMM Floor Management Team may remove their badge for the remainder of the show


  • A “performance” is a public entertainment presentation and is prohibited in booth space. Performances are often in private meeting space or outside the Music City Center.
  • A “demonstration” is showing the merits of a product or service to a prospective customer and is permitted for two (2) minutes at a time; sound level may not exceed 85 decibels.

Laser & Light Protection Regulations

  • Lighting instruments must be directed so as not to interfere with or discomfort neighboring Exhibitors
  • Lighting that spins, rotates, pulsates and other specialized lighting effects should be in good taste and not interfere with neighboring Exhibitors or otherwise detract from the general atmosphere of the event.
  • No logos or branding is allowed outside of the booth confines unless written permission is granted from NAMM.
  • The FDA may be monitoring regulatory compliance of Laser Light Show Manufacturers and other operators of Laser Light Shows Thursday, July 15 – Friday, July 16, 2021.  This will include verifying that all operators have an approved variance, and are operating in accordance with any conditions imposed by the Variance. In addition, FDA will be networking and available to answer any questions regarding distribution of laser products in the US or other matters.

Important Information and Links:

The operation and demonstration of high power laser light shows is a public safety issue, particularly when operated by those who are untrained or unfamiliar with the FDA requirements to ensure product safety.  By FDA regulation, laser projectors must incorporate specific features if they exceed a power level of 5 mW (milli-Watts).  In addition, they are prohibited to be operated or demonstrated in the US without an approved Variance that dictates specific conditions and limitations of use that must be followed as a condition of the approval.  The approved Variance requirement applies to “Laser Show Companies” (operators) as well as the Manufacturers / Dealers / Distributors of these products who offer their products for US sale as well as demonstrating them in public venues.

Laser Notice 51 (Responsibilities of Laser Light Show Projector Manufacturers, Dealers, and Distributors) is a brief 5 page guidance document that describes the procedure and documentation needed to obtain approval for operating a high power laser light show.

Laser Notice 55 (Procedures for Renewal and Amendment of Certain Laser Light Show Variances) describes the procedures under which the Laser Light Show Variance can be automatically renewed annually.

Link to FDA’s Laser Light Show splash page (scrolling down to “Industry Guidance”) summarizes the requirements in yet another way.  Please note the instruction  “Your firm can begin to produce laser light shows only after receipt of a variance approval letter from FDA indicating the conditions under which you may produce the laser light show or distribute laser light show projectors”

Here is a more detailed Compliance Guide for Laser Products (see Page 20, “Clarification of Certain Laser Light Show Requirements”)

Two basic forms are required to be submitted to obtain a variance:

    Application for Variance

    Laser Light Show Report

In addition, a product report is required from Laser Manufacturers to demonstrate their products comply with the Federal Laser Performance Standard (except as permitted by the variance).


Summer NAMM Management exercises reasonable care to safeguard Exhibitors’ property by providing perimeter guard service on a 24-hour basis during move-in, show days and move-out. While these security measures are in place, neither show management, the facility, security contractor, drayage contractor, nor any of their officers, agents or employees are liable for the loss, theft or pilferage of property.

Exhibitors are solely responsible for all of their property at the show.


  • Monitor your booth at all times, including when your product is being delivered
  • Ship merchandise in locked trunks or crates.  Use a qualified carrier/ forwarder to ensure safe transport
  • Inventory your product upon delivery and note any damages or missing items immediately
  • Do not list the contents on the outside of your shipping crates/boxes 
  • Cover your display at the close of show every night with cloth, tarp or sheets whenever possible 
  • Hire security for your booth overnight.  Show security can be reached at Music City Center (615) 401-1440
  • Valuable items that can be easily removed (laptops, CD players, cameras, small samples, tools, etc.) should not be left out and should be removed when the booth is not staffed
  • Always staff your booth during show hours.  It’s recommended that you stay in your booth at least 30 minutes after the show closes while security clears the show floor. This is high-risk time for stolen product; please use your best judgment in securing valuables at your booth
  • Do not leave the booth unattended or unpacked product visible during move-in or move-out.  Never store excess merchandise in the empties (crates/cartons) that are stored by the drayage contractor in/outside of the facility
  • Remain with your merchandise during move-out until your empties have arrived, goods packed, scaled, labeled and MHA (Bill of Lading) prepared and removed
  • Furnish an accurate and complete MHA (Bill of Lading) to Freeman and the shipping company.  Freeman responsibility begins when items are picked up at the Exhibitor’s booth and terminates upon delivery to the forwarding carrier


  • Material Release Passes are required for attendees to carry items off the show floor during show hours. This includes removing an instrument or other product off the show floor by a person other than the exhibiting company staff
  • Passes may be obtained at the Registration Desk in the lobby
  • Exhibiting companies may remove product from the show floor during show hours provided the product matches the brand name on the badge and a corresponding photo ID is provided
  • Over-the-counter cash/credit card transactions are prohibited
  • Products/instruments are restricted from being brought into the show during show hours.  Only exhibitor personnel are approved to carry in and remove product from the show.


  • Celebrity appearances and other promotions must be staged at the center area of your booth space to avoid impeding business from neighboring Exhibitors and creating hazards in the event of overcrowding the aisles
  • Please email NAMM at with the details of your proposed performance or booth appearance including; proposed event type, celebrity/performer name, date/time, estimated attendance
  • NAMM will escort VIP/Celebrity to the booth space
  • Once at the booth, the Exhibitor is responsible for hiring crowd-control security.  Show security can be reached at Music City Center (615) 401-1440

Protecting Intellectual Property


NAMM strongly opposes infringement of intellectual property rights and is committed to providing NAMM members with information that may help protect these rights that are an important foundation of the music products industry. NAMM cannot provide legal advice and will not be able to initiate legal actions on behalf of our members. However, NAMM encourages members to take appropriate steps to establish, protect and enforce their intellectual property rights in the United States and in other countries. The following should not be construed as legal advice. NAMM makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to, and disclaims all responsibility for the use of the following advice by NAMM members. NAMM encourages its members to seek the advice of legal counsel in order to determine how to best protect its intellectual property.

Why should you protect your intellectual property?

According to government agencies, more than $500 billion in legitimate global sales is lost each year to counterfeit goods. You may have no legal recourse against imitations if counterfeiters are the first to register your company’s name, logo or product design, among other intellectual property, in other foreign countries. Moreover, some make it a business of registering foreign intellectual property assets including domain names for the sole purpose of selling back to the original foreign owner the rights to use that same property in overseas markets.

How should you protect your intellectual property?

NAMM members should consider the following six basic, often cost-effective, steps when securing protection for their intellectual property in domestic and foreign markets.

1. Develop an intellectual property protection strategy and utilize anti-counterfeit devices.

Filing for domestic and international protection can be expensive. However, failing to take timely action to protect your intellectual property rights could jeopardize your realization of any protection at all. Therefore, it is in your company’s best interests to develop an overall intellectual property protection strategy that is appropriate for your business. If you are a small or medium-sized American enterprise, you can request through the U.S. Department of Commerce ( a free, one-hour consultation with an intellectual property attorney to learn how to protect and enforce your intellectual property rights in the U.S., Brazil, Russia, India, China, Egypt, and Thailand. In addition, the U.S. government runs a hotline (866-999-HALT) to counsel businesses on how to protect their intellectual property in the U.S. and in foreign countries. Moreover, think about building anti-counterfeiting devices into your products and packaging. Examples of such tools are Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) low-cost transponder tags, security hologram seals and labels, and light-sensitive ink designs. These anti-counterfeiting devices will help you stay one step ahead of counterfeiters and can assist authorities like Customs and law enforcement officials in preventing violations of your intellectual property rights.

2. Conduct due diligence of potential foreign partners and develop detailed intellectual property provisions for licensing and subcontracting contracts.

Once you are aware of available options to protect your intellectual property, consider conducting due diligence of potential foreign partners and determine where companies similar to yours have experienced intellectual property problems. Government agencies like the U.S. Commercial Service ( can provide a step-by-step approach to market research and can help you evaluate potential foreign business partners. Furthermore, when establishing business relations with foreign merchants, you may want to obtain local legal counsel to assist in the drafting of contracts that include specific language regarding intellectual property rights, non-disclosure limitations and dispute settlement procedures, and any language required under the laws of international jurisdictions.

3. Register defensively your intellectual property in key foreign markets including in countries where infringement is common.

If you do or foresee doing business in foreign markets, especially in countries where intellectual property violations are common, you should strongly consider filing your patents and trademarks and their relevant translations with the appropriate government agency in each country where protection is sought. In some countries, the first party to file an application, even if based on a “proposed use,” can prevent others from registering and obtaining legal protections for the same patent or trademark.

Otherwise, any process to challenge another’s wrongful registration could cost significant time and money, and there are still no guarantees of a favorable resolution. The World Intellectual Property Organization (www. and the Stop Fakes ( web sites are sources for information on how to apply for intellectual property rights in different countries around the world.

Most countries do not require that you register your copyrights before enforcing them, but registration with the appropriate government agency is strongly recommended because it provides several benefits such as proof of ownership. However, not every country provides copyright protections. The U.S. Copyright Office ( is a good resource for information about the nature of copyright laws and relations amongst the countries that do provide copyright safeguards.

4. Record your registration certificate and licenses with Customs and Border Protection Agencies and other administrative bodies.

Once the appropriate government agency approves the registration of your intellectual property, you should consider recording for a reasonable fee your registration certificate along with details of any legitimate licenses with the Customs department in every country in which your intellectual property is protected. Moreover, it may be necessary to record copies of such license agreements with other administrative bodies at both the national and local levels. In most countries, these administrative agencies have the authority to confiscate and destroy counterfeit goods and impose fines. It is recommended that you consult with local counsel to determine the applicable registration and recordation requirements in international jurisdictions.

5. Establish a physical presence to monitor your intellectual property rights.

If your company is doing a large volume of sourcing, manufacturing or selling in a foreign market, consider having at least one business representative present in that foreign country to monitor the activity in the marketplace and to conduct basic market research. Moreover, a local representative can benefit your company by establishing positive community relations that could generate political attention to your own intellectual property issues.

6. Maintain records to effectively enforce your intellectual property rights.

You will have a better chance to prevail in a dispute over intellectual property rights if you maintain sufficient, historical documentation that undoubtedly establishes your entitlement to those rights. Moreover, upon adequate proof of your intellectual property rights, government agencies in most countries will help you enforce your rights in accordance with local laws. For example, in the United States, the Office of Intellectual Property Rights in the U.S. Department of Commerce ( will assist businesses in the development of an enforcement strategy in the U.S. and in foreign countries.

To save time and money in the long run, NAMM members should consider establishing and maintaining files for collecting documents relating to your intellectual property, such as: (1) Records, letters, invoices, receipts and other documents related to the adoption, first use, registration, and ownership of your intellectual property; (2) copies of advertisements that use your intellectual property, dated as of their appearance, together with records of company expenses for that advertising; (3) yearly summaries of the amount of product sold that features the intellectual property; (4) records relating to any changes in the intellectual property; and (5) any demand letters to others who try to pirate your intellectual property.


Although national laws are becoming increasingly harmonized through the effects of international treaties, intellectual property laws including the procedures and costs of acquisition, registration and enforcement of intellectual property rights may still vary from country to country. NAMM strongly encourages members to take appropriate steps to establish, protect and enforce their intellectual property rights in the United States and in other countries.

This document is the property of NAMM. NAMM’s intellectual property materials are proprietary products of NAMM and must be referenced in their entirety.

Please do not copy or distribute portions of this document that dilute the context of the complete document intent. If you have further questions regarding NAMM’s Intellectual Property Rights policies, please contact us at

Intellectual Property Rights & Dispute Resolution Policies

National Association of Music Merchants

As the leading global association for the music products industry NAMM supports the protection of intellectual property rights (IPR). These rights are an important foundation of our industry, providing creators and innovators with necessary benefits of their creativity. These rights come in various legal forms, such as copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets and other inherent authorship rights recognized in many countries. NAMM urges its members to develop protection and enforcement programs for their creative endeavors in consultation with an attorney experienced in the field of intellectual property rights.

NAMM’s POSITION: NAMM condemns counterfeiting and infringement. NAMM is committed to the principle that intellectual property rights are to be respected, and that the use of intellectual property rights without the consent of the owner or otherwise pursuant to law violates rights of authors, inventors and corporations. Copyrights, trademarks, patents, and other forms of intellectual property are protected by state and federal laws in the United States and by the laws of other countries. At NAMM, we believe that inventors, manufacturers, publishers, and other creators and owners of intellectual property are entitled to protect their rights in accordance with the law. However, as a neutral trade association, NAMM cannot become involved in member/exhibitor disputes or provide legal advice regarding intellectual property rights.

AT THE NAMM TRADE SHOWS AND EVENTS: From time to time, disputes arise among the members of the National Association of Music Merchants (“NAMM”) regarding ownership of, or infringement of, intellectual property rights. NAMM condemns counterfeiting and infringement, however as a neutral trade association, NAMM cannot serve as an arbiter of those member disputes, nor can we take a role in judicial or enforcement processes in the event that our members cannot amicably resolve their own conflicts. NAMM also cannot provide legal advice. If you believe that someone at the NAMM trade shows, functions and other events (each a “NAMM Event”, and collectively, the “NAMM Events”) is infringing your intellectual property rights, you will need to seek the assistance of an intellectual property attorney to help you enforce your rights through the legally available channels, whether through a court proceeding or via law enforcement officials. NAMM will allow access to the NAMM Events for law enforcement officials or servers of legal process to pursue necessary and reasonable steps in the legal process, where such actions can be taken in a manner that is not disruptive to the show.

OUR AGREEMENT WITH OUR MEMBERS: Both the NAMM membership and exhibitor applications include substantially the following terms, which members and exhibitors accepted when they signed one or more of these applications. These terms are part of a legal contract between NAMM and its members, and NAMM and its exhibitors:

By executing this application, the applicant represents and warrants to NAMM that it owns or validly possesses the right (through a valid license) to make, use, perform, sell and display any patented products, copyrighted works, trademarks, service marks, logos, and trade names (collectively, “Intellectual Property”), as the case may be, that will be used by the applicant at, or to promote its activities, at any NAMM events or functions. The applicant further represents and warrants that it has the right to use or display the Intellectual Property in the manner in which it intends to use or display the Intellectual Property at NAMM events and functions. Breach of the foregoing warranties may lead to immediate revocation of the right to participate in such events or functions, without notice or hearing. The applicant acknowledges that NAMM is relying upon this representation and warranty and has no obligation to monitor the uses and displays of Intellectual Property at NAMM events or to conduct an independent investigation of the status of rights to any Intellectual Property. The applicant covenants not to sue, file or maintain any action in law or in equity against NAMM or any NAMM personnel alleging that any use or display by any third party of Intellectual Property at or in connection with any NAMM event or function infringes or otherwise violates any right or title held by the applicant or any of its officers, directors, and owners. The applicant further covenants not to sue, file, or maintain any action in law or in equity, or threaten to take any such actions, against NAMM or any NAMM personnel for contributory infringement, or any other theory that NAMM is indirectly or secondarily liable for the intellectual property violation of another party. The applicant agrees to hold harmless and indemnify NAMM and NAMM’s officers, directors, employees, agents, and representatives from and against any and all loss, cost, expense, claim, liability or damage, including reasonable attorney’s fees, arising in connection with the applicant’s conduct in connection with any NAMM event or function, including but not limited to, any action brought against NAMM and any cost incurred by NAMM, arising out of any dispute involving the Intellectual Property used or  displayed by the applicant.

This means that each exhibiting member has legally warranted to NAMM that it owns (or holds appropriate legal rights and permission to use) all the intellectual property rights it is using at the NAMM Events. If a third party sues NAMM because of an alleged violation of intellectual property rights by a member at any NAMM Event, that member has agreed to indemnify and defend NAMM by paying NAMM for any damages it is forced to pay and reimbursing all of NAMM’s expenses and costs, including its attorneys’ fees, incurred in its defense. Each member similarly agrees not to sue NAMM under any theory, or threaten to sue NAMM, over any alleged infringement of intellectual property rights by a third party.

If NAMM learns that a possible infringement of intellectual property is expected to occur at a NAMM Event, NAMM endeavors to bring the above contract terms to the attention of all concerned and seeks the confirmation of all parties that they will abide by such terms. We trust that, in such circumstances, our members will understand that NAMM does not mean to cast aspersions on any member and is not assuming or implying that infringement has occurred or will occur, but is only acting to protect the interests of NAMM, so that we can continue to pursue our purpose, which is to provide programs and activities for the benefit of the music products industry.

NAMM does not take sides in intellectual property disputes between its members or third parties, nor is it willing to be drawn into any disputes between members and/or third parties over intellectual property rights. However, if NAMM determines with reasonable certainty, in its sole discretion, that an intended use of intellectual property constitutes a violation of another’s rights, NAMM reserves the right to impose restrictions on the actions of members and/or exhibitors during a NAMM Event.

NAMM’s INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS: NAMM owns all right, title and interest in its intellectual property and expects its rights to be respected. NAMM’s intellectual property rights include, but are not limited to, ownership of copyrights on its programs and materials, and ownership of trademarks in “NAMM,” “THE NAMM SHOW,” “The International Music Products Association,” and other marks, in the United States and internationally. NAMM also owns the “,” “,” and other internet domain names. NAMM expects its intellectual property rights to be respected, and will take action against infringers. Members may use the initials “NAMM” or the words “National Association of Music Merchants” and specifically approved logos solely for the purpose of reasonably and accurately indicating to others that they are legitimately exhibiting at NAMM Events. All other uses of NAMM’s intellectual property rights (unless expressly authorized in writing by NAMM) are strictly prohibited, for example:

i. Modification or removal of NAMM marks or copyright notices from NAMM publications;
ii. Use of any NAMM mark on any goods or services, without express authorization;
iii. Use of any NAMM mark as part of a company name, domain name, or e-mail address;
iv. Use of any marks that are “confusingly similar” to NAMM marks;
v. And imitation of NAMM publications, products, and services.

This document is the property of NAMM. NAMM’s intellectual property materials are proprietary products of NAMM and must be referenced in their entirety. Please do not copy or distribute portions of this document that dilute the context of the complete document intent.

If you have further questions regarding NAMM’s Intellectual Property Rights policies, please contact us at