The Beatles

Scott Emmerman began taking guitar lessons in his hometown of Chicago when he was five years old. As a musician he toured and recorded with different bands and landed some great gigs, including, ironically enough, as a Boss demo artist at the 1979 NAMM show!  He later was hired by Roland as a sales...
Sarah Glew began her career in the music industry by selling records in a small store just south of San Francisco in Pacifica, California.  Over time she added musical instruments and found that guitars were a great seller in the heyday of the Beatles and the British Rock Invasion.   As the store...
Eddie Kramer is perhaps best known as the recording engineer for Jimi Hendrix, but he also worked for the Beatles and countless other performers during his long career.  Eddie is also a clever innovator who has designed products and tools that have solved problems for recording engineers over the...
Tom Bedell began giving guitar lessons in his home town of Spirit Lake, Iowa.  Just a few months later, when Tom was 14 years old, he imported guitars with his name on the headstock from Japan.  The year was 1963.  Tom continued to make guitars and played in local bands, growing his wholesale...
Klaus Scholler is the President of Karl Hofner GmbH & Co KG, established in 1887 and now celebrating its 125th anniversary. Over the years Höfner has produced many ground-breaking instruments including the iconic Hofner Violin Bass guitar. Played by Paul McCartney, it has, unsurprisingly, also...
Rosemary D’Andrea has always been interested in art and in fact had a series of galleries in and around Long Island, New York. So when her husband, the president of the D’Andrea Guitar Pick Company asked for her help in designing products and marketing materials, she was hooked! Rosemary had the...
Tony D’Andrea is the grandson of Luigi D’Andrea, the innovative founder of the famed pick company. After college, Tony joined the company and worked long and hard to expand the business over the years. Among his contributions to the guitar pick are the PRO-GRIP products he created to reduce the...
Yuichiro Yokouchi was once referred to as "the world's largest guitar maker" by a music magazine, a tag line he has liked to use over the years. His OEM guitar factory in Japan was responsible for over 15,000 guitars a month at the peek of the Beatle boom of the 1960s. He attended his first NAMM...
David Goggin is known throughout the industry as Mr. Bonzai, the author and photographer behind several books and thousands of articles on recording, engineering and the people who work in the industry.  To say he is a wealth of information about the recording industry is really an understatement....
Sara Michaelson grew up in the music store her father, Frank Hessy, established in Liverpool, England in the late 1950s. Hessy’s Music was THE store in town to find all of the local bands and to learn of their scheduled gigs. All four members of the Beatles purchased instruments at Hessy’s Music...
