Pro Audio

Neil Leonard began playing saxophone at a young age and it's no wonder, his father was a noted Jazz historian and author. After being greatly influenced by the Pink Floyd album "Dark Side of the Moon", Neil registered for classes at Berklee in Boston (1979). He fully embraced electronic...
David Mash studied guitar in much the same way his mother studied the piano. He was focused on the classical traditions and even took lessons from Andre Segovia. His mother was a student of a student of Chopin! His contributions to music education, which is vast in scope, began when David was 15...
Hyman Peller, in 1975, left a corporate job in NJ and moved to upstate, NY. Once there he found employment in a music store, a job for which he says he was unqualified. The owner set about building speaker cabinets to sell wholesale and put Peller in charge of the project. After three years and...
Tony Bongiovi opened Power Station Studios in New York in the early 1970s, which helped define a few eras of recordings. The studio, which became a mainstay in the industry, was created after Tony worked for Motown for several years and recorded the likes of Jimi Hendrix. Tony also designed several...
Jeff Cary grew up in Rochester, New York playing guitar and started his career in the music industry by working at House of Guitars. He also developed a passion for audio gear and the recording industry. Jeff worked for the pro audio company, ART, as well as in a recording studio (for over 12 years...
Mark Ureda was a young engineering student when he dreamed of working for JBL.  He had that chance in 1976 for one day (that is a good story), but when that did not work out he joined the aerospace industry for over 25 years.  Then, as if to finally make his dream a reality, Mark was hired by JBL...
Peter Chaikin was still in high school when he knew in his heart what he wanted to be when he grew up: a recording engineer. With the Billboard Directory of Studios under his arm, and encouragement from iconic producer Phil Ramone, Peter headed west and landed a job at Los Angeles' legendary Record...
Henry Goldansky remembers very clearly his father recording his mother singing Opera. The concept of preserving sound was fascinating to young Henry and he soon joined a Hi Fi Club and began an intense study of loud speakers. He worked for Cerwin-Vega for over sixteen years, helping to build...
CJ Vanston was thrilled to have the opportunity to produce for Toto, one of his all-time favorite bands.  The project was a symbolic full circle experience having been a studio musician, first in Chicago and later Los Angeles.  CJ became known for creating sounds and becoming an expert on...
Mark Gander is the resident historian for JBL and for good reason. Mark has worked for the company for over 40 years, including a long period as Vice President of Marketing for JBL Professional under Sidney Harman. Mark's main focus has been product development and engineering. In fact, he worked...
