Avedis Zildjian Company

John King is among the most noted cymbal testers in the business. Working alongside Armand Zildjian in the factory in Massachusetts. John learned the fine skills of a tester and worked with Tony Williams, Buddy Rich, and other top players. John, a Product Communications Manager, has also become a...
Lennie DiMuzio was told for years that he ought to write a book about his career and his many stories, so he did! Lennie was the artist relations director for Zildjian Cymbal Company for many years. He oversaw the line-up of endorsees and their many activities, as well as the company’s printed...
Craigie Zildjian has accomplished what no other woman has done in her company’s over 380-year history; she has become president of the Zildjian Cymbal Company. She has also been a pioneer in industry-related organizations where few other women have been. Following in her father’s footsteps (Armand...
Deborah Zildjian proudly recalled stories of her father and her grandfather, two of the most successful leaders of her family’s 380 plus years as cymbal makers. Deborah has a compelling way of recounting her family’s history such as her memories of her grandmother and grandfather. Deborah serves as...
Armand Zildjian had many friends in the music industry and even years after his passing, the stories of Armand and his role in the industry seem to be everywhere.  As president of the Avedis Zildjian Company, Armand oversaw the cymbal manufacturing that was part of his family since it was first...
Butch Miles was born in Ironton, Ohio on the 4th of July during a family reunion. Raised by his single mother, Butch decided to play drums when he was asked to join the school band. By the time he was in high school, Butch was playing in local bands and studying jazz with Frank Thompson at the...
