

Forkroot is a 3-piece roots folk band from Southern California that developed from a busking group who performed in the streets of Los Angeles and Long Beach, CA. The band draws from a wide collection of folk music influences including celtic, bluegrass, gypsy jazz, and americana, and stands out from the crowd with an (accessibly) technical flair and unique minimalist instrumentation. 

In late 2013, Forkroot recorded their first full length album titled “Between Two Cities”- boasting a diverse showcase of folk genres- and released it alongside a music video for the song “Sheraton Brown.” 2017 brought Forkroot’s second full length album “Water & Shade,” whose foot stomping rhythms, ear-catching melodies, and full-force energy truly defined the band’s sound. 

Forkroot has performed in all manner of venues, toured the United States twice, and performed at several festivals of note, including Lighting in a Bottle in central California, and the International Rock Climbers’ Festival in Lander, Wyoming.

Saturday, January 27, 2018 - 12:00pm to 12:30pm
NAMM Museum of Making Music Booth