Christian Wissmuller
Christian Wissmuller began playing the violin at the age of four, encouraged by his classically trained guitarist father and vocalist mother. Christian went on to learn other instruments and continues to play in several bands. Along the way, he earned a degree in English and Journalism at Boston University and was trained at Berklee School of Music in recording engineering. The timing was not perfect because at the time of his graduation, 1999, the home recording market was booming. Looking to continue in the field of music, Christian turned to his skills as a writer, working for magazines such as Guitar Player and Guitar One. In 2001 he was hired by Sid Davis at Music Merchandise Review (MMR) and worked under the magazine's editor, Don Johnson, who became a mentor. After Don's passing in 2008, Christian was asked to take the reins as editor. He has also served as editor for School Band Orchestra Magazine (SBO). Christian’s deep passion for the music industry and his love of gear is evident in all that he writes and reviews.
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