Day One of the 2004 NAMM Summer Session: The Music Products Industry Gathers in Nashville

July 23, 2004

NAMM, the International Music Products Association, today kicked off its 2004 NAMM Summer Session, drawing an international crowd of music products industry professionals to the Nashville Convention Center and adjoining Gaylord Entertainment Center.

Many show attendees began their Summer Session experience at last nigh's Pre-Show Party, which featured several "Weekend Warrior" bands from the music products industry performing on stage at The Hang in the Gaylord Entertainment Center. Industry bands included Copeland Woodwinds, RPMDA Printz, the NAMM Superband and Old Dog LLC;  the event also included a celebrity performance by the Doyle Dykes All-Star Band.

Today's activities began with the early-morning NAMM University keynote session, "Nobody Moved Your Cheese," presented by author Ross Shafer, who discussed fresh ideas for creating a successful business based on his interaction with Fortune 500 companies. This was followed by 12 other free sessions for show-goers offered throughout the day.

When the show floor opened, a steady stream of attendees made their way through the exhibit halls to check out the latest musical products and conduct business meetings.

"I'm surprised at how crowded it's been on a Friday," said Rod Evans of Gibson Guitar Corp. of Nashville, Tenn. "This is my sixth year, and this is probably the most exciting NAMM [Summer Session] I've seen yet. I've done a lot of business, written a lot of orders, and I'm very optimistic for the year ahead."

"We're off to a good start with a fantastic Pre-Show Party last night showcasing the talent of our Members and their passion for music," said Joe Lamond, president and CEO, NAMM. "Based on feedback from our Members, the industry seems poised for a strong third and fourth quarter."

Tonight, NAMM hosted a free concert for show attendees at The Hang in the Gaylord Entertainment Center with performances by The Spin Doctors and the Grand Prize Winners of this year's John Lennon Songwriting Contest.

The show continues tomorrow with 17 NAMM U sessions and the annual All-Industry Drum Circle, in addition to a wide variety of other activities and events. For more information, interested parties can log on to