Day Two of the 2009 NAMM Show

The Music Products Industry Connects for a Second Day of Business, Education and Networking

January 16, 2009

The second day of the 2009 NAMM Show drew crowds to the Anaheim Convention Center for business meetings, product demonstrations, networking and live music.

Many show-goers began the day at the Hilton Anaheim Hotel for the NAMM University Breakfast Session. Before the session began, attendees were treated to a moving performance on the erhu by Mr. Liunian Bian, who wrote the music for the Beijing Olympics closing ceremony.

The seats were filled at the morning’s Breakfast Session, “The BIG Issues: Trends and Tactics—The Next 12 Months,” which was hosted by Bill Hinely and featured panelists Larry Mersereau, PromoPower LLC; Hal Lubin, Buzz Builders; Christy Schmitt, Union Bank of California; and Mike Farrell, Youthography. Topics discussed included social networking, promotional ideas, financial tips and changing trends.

Show opening included musical entertainment in the lobby by the Wicked Tinkers, as thousands of people waited to walk the show floor for a second day of product launches, business meetings and celebrity demos. In addition, the NAMM Idea Center focused on tips for retailers looking for new strategies for e-commerce, sales/marketing, store design, business, lessons and retail ideas.

“We’re a very new business, started in 2008, so it’s our first NAMM Show,” said Janet Ruiz of North Bay Guitar, Rohnert Park, Calif. “We’re just enjoying seeing all the many things that we can sell in our store, trying to figure out how to get started the best way. The educational sessions have been extremely helpful, and I feel like being here will make a huge difference in 2009.”

The show aisles were packed with industry professionals, which made another great day for exhibitors.

“This year we expected not many people because of the economy, but it’s quite much better than what I expected,” said Young Jae Byun of Shimro Musical Instruments, Seoul, Korea. “There are a lot of people walking down aisles, and I’ve had good meetings with customers—it’s quite good.”

Celebrities spotted on the show floor included David Carradine, Brian Wilson, Dave Mustaine, Nikki Sixx, Robert David Hall and Quincy Jones.

The show closed with two major live music events: the annual All-Industry Drum Circle and the NAMM All-Star Lobby Jam. More live music was scheduled for the Marriott and Hilton hotel lobbies and at local clubs.

Saturday’s events include the NAMM University Breakfast Session “25 Ideas to Improve Your Business—NOW!” and a special six-part series at the Idea Center on participative selling for retailers. The convention center will also be busy with live music on stages throughout the show and celebrity product demonstrations and autograph signings on the show floor.

The 2009 NAMM Show runs through Sunday, January 18, at the Anaheim Convention Center. For more information and news updates, interested parties may visit