NAMM Announces Wanna Play? Film Contest

Music Products Association Encourages Amateur Filmmakers to Capture the Joys and Benefits Associated with Playing Music

January 15, 2009

NAMM, the trade association of the international music products industry, announced that it will be hosting a new Wanna Play? Film Contest encouraging amateur filmmakers to capture the joys and benefits of people playing music.

The contest was created to raise awareness about the organization’s national Wanna Play? campaign, which encourages people of all ages to start playing music and enjoying the many social and wellness benefits of this activity.

The association is working with OurStage, an online community site for filmmakers, to judge the submissions.

The details of the contest are as follows: 

Participants must:

  1. Produce a 5–10 minute short film focusing on a theme about making music
  2. Include important information about NAMM’s Wanna Play? campaign and the benefits of making music
  3. Incorporate footage of a NAMM Member music products retail store
  • NAMM must receive uploaded film submissions at by May 31, 2009
  • The OurStage community will judge the winners and NAMM will show the winning film at the 2009 Summer NAMM Show in Nashville, Tenn., during the event’s pre-show party held at “The Hang.”

Winners will receive:

  • One Grand Prize winner will be presented with $5,000 cash, a MacBook Pro, a trip to the Summer NAMM show in Nashville, Tenn., for a world premiere of the film, and various computer software for video and audio editing.
  • Four winners of the monthly contests held February through May will be presented with a prize that includes a set of hi-fi studio monitors, audio software, a MIdI Controller keyboard and audio interface.

For more details about the contest and NAMM’s Wanna Play? campaign, go to