NAMM Foundation Announces Request for Proposals for Grants Focused on Creating More Music Makers

Five new initiatives designed to reach out to specific segments of music makers and researchers

October 9, 2007

The NAMM Foundation today announced its 2008 request for proposals initiative. The Foundation seeks to fund proposals for projects that further NAMM’s mission of creating more active music makers of all ages on behalf of its Members and expanding access to music making. The Foundation also seeks proposals for research that expands knowledge about the effects of music making across the lifespan.

There are five initiatives that concentrate on reaching specific segments of potential music makers:

Disney’s High School Musical: The Music in You Grant Program will award 10 (ten) worthy schools a $5,000 monetary grant and license to put on their own school stage production of Disney’s High School Musical.
Applications must be received online at icon link by Nov. 30, 2007.

The Sounds of Living: The Impact of Music Making initiative is a signature funding program of the NAMM Foundation supporting research that examines the role of active participation in music for children, youth, adults and seniors. Research funded under the initiative explores the effects of music learning and music making outside of formal educational settings and expands the understanding of the role of music making in health, wellness, socialization,and the interconnections between mind, body and spirit that contribute to wellness and overall quality of life.
Proposal Submission deadline: Jan. 2, 2008.

Program Grants support innovative music learning programs from nonprofit public service organizations that reach new audiences with new protocols, and that further the NAMM Foundation’s mission of creating more active music makers of all ages.
Proposal submission deadline: Jan. 4, 2008.

The Sounds of Learning: The Impact of Music Education initiative supports research that examines the role of music education in the lives of school-age children. The goal of the program is to expand the understanding of music’s role in a quality education.
Proposal submission deadline: Jan. 15, 2008.

Scientific Grants support leading researchers and research teams in the fields of music research, neuroscience, psychology, education and/or health-related fields to explore the effects of hands-on music making. Short-term (less than one year) projects will be considered, and a very limited number of longitudinal studies (two to three years) will be considered.
Proposal submission deadline: Jan. 15, 2008.

“As part of NAMM’s circle of benefits, revenues that are generated from NAMM’s trade shows are reinvested into programs supported by The NAMM Foundation that are designed to strengthen the industry by creating more music makers,” said Joe Lamond, NAMM president and CEO.

For more detailed information about the programs the NAMM Foundation’s initiatives support and details on how to submit a request for proposal, interested parties should visit icon link or e-mail icon email

About The NAMM Foundation
The NAMM Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing active participation in music making across the lifespan by supporting scientific research, philanthropic giving and public service programs from the international music products industry.