NAMM to Host First Virtual Advocacy Event from Capitol Hill

Live Web Cast from Washington D.C. Created to Help All Members Stay Up To Date and Support Music Education in U.S. Schools

May 4, 2009

NAMM, the trade association of the international music products industry, announced today that it will host the organization’s first “Virtual Advocacy Days,” allowing more U.S. NAMM Members to participate in the association’s annual advocacy efforts on Capitol Hill, learn about legislative activities that impact the music products industry, and support access to music education in public schools.

Participants can log on to a live Web event May 12, 2009, to hear policy and political briefings hosted by NAMM consultants Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP. The day-long event will feature prominent political leaders and experts covering an array of legislative topics and advocacy activities in support of music education.

The live Web cast event starts at 8:45 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time at Participants can browse the agenda online and choose to view as much or as little of the briefing as they want. The event can also be viewed in part or in its entirety at a later date since all presentations will be archived on the site for future viewing.

NAMM’s advocacy events are organized each year to allow industry representatives to meet face to face with members of Congress and show their support for music education and discuss other small business concerns. A small number of NAMM Members will participate in the activities in Washington. All U.S. NAMM Members are urged to get involved in this advocacy effort and are encouraged to:

  • Log on to the live or archived Web cast briefing to view the topics and speakers that interest you. Briefings will be provided by high profile political leaders, policymakers and public opinion experts such as former deputy chief of staff to President Clinton and small business policy expert Phil Lader; Congressman Jim Cooper (Tenn.-D); Al From, CEO and founder of the Democratic Leadership Council; Charlie Cook of the Cook Political Report and others who will cover the current political climate in the national’s capitol and opportunities for education reform related to school music programs.
  • Contact your local member of Congress on May 13, 2009. Members are encouraged to call or e-mail the NAMM Member Contact Center before May 13, to request a guide to help you contact the office of your local member of Congress, and for simple language that can easily be sent in an e-mail or outlined in a brief telephone call.

“NAMM has always believed in the importance of having music education included in the core public school curriculum, and has recognized how federal policy can have influence on shaping and supporting access and equity so that all children can learn how to play music,” said NAMM President and CEO Joe Lamond. “We are now expanding our efforts using the latest technology so that all U.S. NAMM Members can log on and experience insightful training so they feel confident about voicing their opinions to elected officials about the value and importance of music education. Member engagement and participation in this issue is vital to our shared mission and goal of every child having access to the joys and benefits of learning and making music.”

The final agenda for the Web cast on May 12 will be published in upcoming issues of PLAYback Digital. To confirm your participation and sign up for information on how to visit or contact your members of Congress, please call or e-mail the NAMM Member Contact Center at 1-800-767-6266 or