NAMM Members Appear On Television and Reach Out to Consumers Through NAMM's Wanna Play? Campaign

NAMM helps to arrange television interviews for NAMM Member retailers to reach out to potential music makers

April 6, 2007

NAMM, the trade association of the international music products industry, is gaining momentum for its Wanna Play? campaign, a program designed to reach out to potential music makers and draw them into music products stores nationwide.

The organization has arranged for NAMM Member retailers in cities across America to appear on local and regional television news shows to demonstrate the many benefits of making music. The outreach also gives retailers the opportunity for free exposure of their store’s products and services.

Last month, NAMM Member Clint Strait, of Strait Music in Austin, Texas, appeared on KTBC-TV’s Fox 7 "News in the Morning" in Austin along with John Fannin of the Austin School of Music.

Strait informed viewers that NAMM’s Wanna Play? campaign is designed to increase awareness about the benefits of music and to get people of all ages actively involved in playing music.

“Playing music increases cognitive development in kids, and helps people ages 65 and older mentally, physically and socially,” Strait said.

The morning show segment also featured a guitar lesson for the show’s host given by Fannin, and onscreen facts about the benefits of playing music, such as music making exercises the brain and inspires creativity, music education helps students stay in school longer, and 82 percent of Americans wish they could play an instrument—facts that are all outlined in NAMM’s campaign.

Straight said overall, he thought the television interview went flawlessly.

“I got to highlight the purpose of Wanna Play? and I got plugs for Strait Music, including the location and information about beginner guitars,” he said. “The interview was very candid and all in all, it was great for our store.”

NAMM Member Marvin Morrow of Musicians Outlet in Palm Desert made an appearance on KPSP-TV (CBS)’s "Eye on the Desert" news program and spoke about the value of playing music and the store’s involvement with children and music in the community.

“We got the host to play a few notes on the trumpet and I noodled around on the guitar a little,” Morrow said. “We had drums, a djembe, an acoustic guitar, an electric guitar with a small amp, a violin and a keyboard all on display in front of us.”

Diane and Den Schafer of Music Tech Studios in Miami, Fla., appeared on WTVJ-TV’s "South Florida Today Show "in January.

“The show went great—we had a blast,” Diane said. “We had lots of instruments on display as we chatted with the host. We shared the campaign sponsored by NAMM and the importance of music for all ages.”

Joe Lamond, president and CEO, NAMM, said that while the Wanna Play? campaign has many components such as public service announcements from celebrities encouraging the public to play music and a Web site featuring a NAMM Member retail store locator tool and advice on how to get started playing music, the regional media appearances by NAMM Members helps to further the campaign’s message to the public that making music will improve people’s lives regardless of their age or skill level.

“The regional interviews are an integral part of this outreach campaign,” Lamond said. “The television and radio time provides a valuable opportunity for NAMM Member dealers to promote the benefits of music making to the general public, and at the same time highlight their stores and services to their local community.”

Other NAMM Member retailers that have or will participate in radio and television interviews are Pecknel Music in Greenville, S.C.; Fox Music House in Charleston, S.C.; Skip’s Music of Sacramento, Calif.; Music Tech Studios of Miami, Fla.; and Dave Anderson’s Zoo Music of Dallas, Texas.

In the coming months, NAMM will feature Members in:

• Charlotte, N.C.
• Phoenix, Ariz.
• Tucson, Ariz.
• Austin, Texas
• Dallas, Texas
• Washington, D.C.
• New Orleans, La.
• Portland, Ore.
• Denver, Colo.
• Boulder, Colo.
• San Antonio, Texas
• Nashville, Tenn.

To learn more about NAMM's Wanna Play? campaign, go to icon link