NAMM Offers New SupportMusic Community Action Kit Free to Members

New kit designed to help NAMM Members strengthen music education at the local community level

December 6, 2006

NAMM, the trade association of the international music products industry, is offering its Members free copies of a new SupportMusic Community Action Kit, which offers step-by-step guidance, action tools and handouts about how to support music education in local communities. Free copies of the kit are also available to parents and community organizations.

Previously nicknamed the “Einstein Kit,” the redesigned SupportMusic Community Action Kit includes:

• A 24-page guide to grassroots advocacy, and the same information provided in Spanish

• A CD-ROM with community action tools including presentation materials, handouts, and petition and press release templates

• 50 copies of the “Why Learn to Play Music?” brochure, which can be customized with a company name and address

“The new kit is another resource NAMM is providing to Members to proactively spread the word about the benefits of music education in their communities,” said Mary Luehrsen, director of public affairs and government relations at NAMM.

To request a SupportMusic Community Action Kit, call NAMM at 800.767.6266 or e-mail a request to