Stars Join Kids on Capitol Hill for "A World of Happiness" Through Music

March 11, 2004

In support of national “Music in Our Schools Month,” NAMM, the International Music Products Association and AMC, the American Music Conference, brought legendary singer Isaac Hayes and actress, director and producer Rosanna Arquette to entertain kids at the “Music Makes A World of Happiness” celebration and party on Capitol Hill. The event featured a special performance from the new CD A World of Happiness by the Anne Beers Boy Choir of Washington D.C., a VH1 Save The Music School.

Hayes and Arquette were among the more than 20 music and screen stars who recorded tracks for the Buena Vista Records CD. Album proceeds will go to various children’s charities, including charities supporting music education.

The “Music Makes A World of Happiness” celebration capped a full day on Capitol Hill for representatives of the American Music Conference; NAMM, the International Music Products Association;, VH1 Save the Music Foundation; MENC: the National Music Education Association; and Disney’s Buena Vista Records, who spent the day visiting lawmakers along with Hayes and bringing much-needed attention to the importance of music education and music making—something fewer and fewer children have the opportunity to experience in school. Congressmen Jim Cooper (D-Tenn.) and Randy “Duke” Cunningham (R-Calif.) have sponsored a resolution recognizing the benefits and importance of schools-based music education programs.

About AMC
The American Music Conference is a national nonprofit educational association dedicated to promoting the importance of music, music making and music education to the general public. For more information, visit