NAMM Forms Ad-Hoc Technology Committee to Develop Industry Standards

New committee of technology experts meet to draft business-to-business standards for the music products industry

September 13, 2006

NAMM, the International Music Products Association, hosted the first meeting of its recently formed Ad-hoc Technology Committee, which will address business-to-business (B2B) technology standards for the industry.

This committee, formed earlier this year, met at industry headquarters in Carlsbad during August to begin drafting solutions to improve industry commerce.

The committee’s progress and results will be tracked and published on NAMM’s B2B micro-site at, which is open to all NAMM Members.

The committee, which is composed of technical experts not represented on NAMM’s Board, includes Paul Ward, Roland US; Robin Walenta, West Music; MaryAnne DelMundo, Guitar Center; Steve LaMonde, Kaman; Greg Bryniak, D’Addario; Amy Pearson, Sweetwater; William McGloine, Korg; and Pat Murphy, Tri-Tech.

A wider group of parties interested in business-to-business technology issues will be invited to meet in Anaheim during the NAMM Show on January 19, 2007.

For more information, interested parties can log on to or call 800.767.6266.