Resolution Recognizing Benefits and Importance of School-Based Music Education Passed by U.S. House of Representatives

May 13, 2004

In a victory for school music education programs across the country, the U.S. House of Representatives recently passed H. CON. RES. 380 recognizing the benefits and importance of school-based music education. The resolution was read on the floor of the House on May 4, 2004, at 7:04 Eastern Time and covered on cable television by C-SPAN.

The resolution, the result of years of lobbying by NAMM and its partners, was read by sponsor Representative Jim Cooper of Tennessee and was co-sponsored by 31 other representatives, including congressman Randy “Duke” Cunningham, a long-time ally of NAMM and music education.

“This resolution expresses the view of the Congress that studying music helps kids achieve in school and supports the industry’s efforts to make sure that all children have access to music study as part of a quality education,” said Mary Luehrsen, director of public affairs and government relations, NAMM. “It also stresses that the developmental attributes taught by music education including discipline, analytical thinking, problem solving, communication and interpersonal skills are vital for success in the 21st-century workplace. This document gives grassroots advocacy groups a new tool in their local campaigns to preserve music education in our communities.”

The resolution also recognized NAMM “for its efforts to designate a national 'Music in Our Schools Month' in order to highlight the important role that school music programs play in the academic and social development of children.”

“NAMM is pleased to be recognized by Congress and we share those accolades with many other organizations including MENC, the National Association for Music Education and The American Music Conference (AMC), who work daily to provide a strong music education for every child,” said Joe Lamond, president and CEO, NAMM.