Robert Heller

Robert Heller worked in the music industry as a teenager in retail and discovered that he was drawn to the industry with his passion and love for music and music making. Bob was hired by Yamaha Corporation of America in the piano division, where he worked for 20 years before transferring to the guitar division, and was eventually promoted to National Sales Director. During these years he developed a strong understanding not only of the dealer base around the country, but also the needs of music retailers and what kind of help they needed from suppliers in the way of customer service and support. After several years, Bob returned to the piano division as the National Director. In 2019, Bob re-located from Buena Park, CA back to his home town of Rapid City, South Dakota to be closer to family, and continues his career with Yamaha as a district manager.

Interview Date:
March 1, 2010
Job Title:
National Sales Manager
Yamaha Corporation USA

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