XCHANGE Launches New Service at The 2023 NAMM Show

Recently, XCHANGE introduced a next-generation distribution network, XCHANGE HD, that enables the global sale of physical goods to thousands of resellers and end-users. XCHANGE HD is facilitated using a carefully constructed global network of logistics centers contracted to provide on-demand warehousing and fulfillment services to XCHANGE vendors. For this reason and many others, the company earned a “Best in Show” distinction at The 2023 NAMM Show in April as a “Company to Watch.”
What exactly is XCHANGE HD? The NAMM member reported that the new and modern hardware distribution system lets resellers “purchase physical products alongside software products 24/7. The system connects products to any country and hundreds of resellers using vetted logistics centers worldwide,” thereby simplifying the shipping and buying process for all parties involved.
XCHANGE carefully reviewed and selected the logistics centers based on their strategic locations in major trading hubs and markets worldwide. When a vendor connects to these logistics centers through XCHANGE HD, they can utilize the centers for receiving, storage, fulfillment, and other services on demand, allowing vendors to maintain optimum stock levels and harness the power of real-time inventory. At the same time, resellers have access to global distribution channels and can easily place orders using XCHANGE automation processes. Utilizing XCHANGE HD provides customers with increased visibility of the status of their orders, invoicing, tracking, updates, and delivery for both B2B and B2C shipments.
Beyond harnessing the power of global logistics centers, XCHANGE HD also includes a suite of services, including marketing, service, and experience centers, all designed to elevate sales further and increase efficiency. (Marketing centers are comprised of music industry sales organizations with local and regional knowledge.) Vendors can connect with these centers within the XCHANGE HD portal as they connect with resellers. Service centers provide return merchandise authorization (RMA), evaluation, repair, and other services for returned products, letting vendors direct returned products to a service center as needed. Finally, experience centers include retail locations in strategic, high-traffic locations that will enable vendors to display their products.
In addition, XCHANGE HD will aid XCHANGE’s partners as they facilitate the movement of millions of items worldwide by offering customized and tailored freight services. By utilizing this service as part of XCHANGE HD, vendors can increase their freight savings, improve product assortment management, and capitalize on the flexible disposal of MOQ production. XCHANGE reports that vendors “can segment production into multiple smaller shipments that are positioned globally closer to each customer group and in the quantities that the region demands.”
XCHANGE announced the launch of XCHANGE HD at The 2023 NAMM Show. President Ray Williams said, “NAMM is the de-facto meeting place for the audio industry, and we've created many important business connections over the years while in attendance. Launching at NAMM gives us the maximum exposure to the new service because all the relevant industry professionals are there.”
The company also understands the importance of this new service to NAMM’s members. Williams said, “XCHANGE HD offers NAMM members a new and better way to distribute their products. For manufacturers, we have taken the pain out of setting up global distribution with our network of logistics centers around the world. The benefits of time to market, freight costs, increased margins, and delivery efficiency is a game-changer. Even large resellers can participate and improve customer service and reduce shipping costs.”
To learn more about XCHANGE HD, please visit https://www.xchangemarket.com/xchangeHD.php, and to stay up to date with the latest information about The 2024 NAMM Show, please visit https://www.namm.org/thenammshow/attend.