Ep. 24: Hilary B. Jones

On this episode of ReVoicing the Future, Natalie and Stephanie reflect on 1 year of ReVoicing the Future and the future of podcast! They also sit down with Hilary B. Jones, a consultant that focuses on Diversity Equity, and Inclusion in the music industry. We discuss Hilary's pathway into music and the Music Gear Bechdel test she created, and the main barriers people face in feeling welcome in the industry.
To learn more about Hilary's work, please visit www.hilarybjones.com and you can listen to the Mid-Riff podcast at https://www.hilarybjones.com/midriffpodcast.
Learn more at www.namm.org/women-of-namm and follow us on Facebook @WOMENofNAMM and on Instagram @womenofnamm.
To nominate someone who has demonstrated profound leadership and impact in the music products industry for a future episode, please email playback@namm.org.
This podcast is co-produced and edited by Natalie Morrison, Stephanie Lamond, and Julia Olsen.