
Alastair Dunn served as Pipe Sergeant of a 12-time world champion pipe band. He joined the band in 1998 and, in 2006, began focusing his deep passion for the instrument in the manufacturing side. He joined the R.G. Hardie & Company to continue the rich history of the company’s dedication to...
Scott MacDonald grew up in a musical family, with his father having been a bagpiper.  When Scott’s hands had developed enough to begin lessons on the bagpipes, at age eight, he took to the instrument, which he has been playing ever since. Scott took over and established a bagpipe band in Los...
Zafar Geoffrey grew up in Sialkot Pakistan, the home base for his family’s music company.  His grandfather established the company in 1912 with a focus on providing high quality bagpipes for the military.  The MH Geoffrey & Company grew in product line with the involvement of the founder’s two...
Ivan Peykov grew up in the music business as his father formed a company to make traditional Bulgarian instruments.  After attending college with a focus on engineering, Ivan returned to work with his father and helped manage the production of the manufacturing process for such instruments as...
Bonka Peykov has a great deal of respect for the process of making high quality musical instruments.  When she joined her husband’s family business, she worked long and hard to learn each step in the process so that she could contribute to the areas she was needed most.  Her dedication to both the...