Internal Fraud

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<p>What are the&nbsp;warning signs that internal fraud or theft&nbsp;might be occurring at my store?&nbsp; Every year, statistics are compiled about internal fraud and theft that&nbsp;happens in U.S. retail stores&mdash;and those statistics are startling:</p> <ul> <li>Only 30 percent&nbsp;of all retail theft is committed by customers; 70&nbsp;percent&nbsp;is committed by employees</li> <li>Four out of every five thefts are commited by males</li> <li>The fraud is usually committed by a college-educated, married person, not the clerk at the front counter</li> <li>Worst of all, the person commiting the fraud is usually a long-time, trusted employee in a position of authority&mdash;not the high school kid working part-time in the shipping and receiving area.</li> </ul> <p>Internal fraud is a $600+ billion domestic problem that grows every year.&nbsp; Fraud and theft activities&nbsp;do not usually stay small; if an employee can get away with it once, they&rsquo;ll try again for a bigger dollar amount until they&rsquo;re caught.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>How does this happen?&nbsp;Are there warning signs that internal fraud might be occurring in your store?&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Watch this video to learn what to look for to help minimize the chance of internal fraud&nbsp;at your store.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>