Participative Selling for Music Retailers, Part 3: Establishing Purpose and Qualifying Needs (NS09 Live Session)

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<p><span>It's easy to make assumptions about customers.&nbsp; Sometimes we fail to address the real reason why a customer visits our store.&nbsp; Establishing the customer&rsquo;s purpose is an integral step in the &ldquo;Participative Sales Process.&rdquo;&nbsp; Likewise, qualifying the customer&rsquo;s needs is one of the most valuable skills for a salesperson to understand and practice.&nbsp; When you are able to properly qualify your customer&rsquo;s needs, you can correctly meet that person&rsquo;s needs and make the sale. Kevin&nbsp;Cranley covers&nbsp;these topics during this session:&nbsp; Why is My Customer Here?, General Questions First and Then Specific Ones, and the Budget Question.</span></p>