Best Sales Promotion: Tobias Music in Downers Grove, Ill.

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<p>Tobias Music is located in Downers Grove, Ill, 30 miles west of Chicago. One of the few Mom and Pop &quot; stores left in the Chicago area, they consider themselves &quot;a fun little guitar store,&quot; selling guitars and accessories. We have a successful lessons program and one of the finest repair services in the area.&nbsp;Tobias provides a &quot;living room&quot; atmosphere that provides their high-end shoppers with a cozy atmosphere and quality of our product and service keeps the customers coming back.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Promotions that Get Buyers into the Store</strong></p> <p>Over the past two years, Tobias has hosted the biggest Taylor Guitars Road Shows in Taylor's history, with nearly 600 people in attendance. These shows helped Tobias to have two of the most profitable years in their store's 33-year history.&nbsp;</p> <p>Check out the video to see more!</p>