Best Social Media: Candyman Strings & Things in Santa Fe, N.M.
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<p><strong>Social Networking Savvy</strong></p>
<p>Candyman realizes how important social media is in today’s business. They have an informative and up-to-date website with interactive features such as a guitar tuner, a sign-up box to receive e-mails, a live feed of their Facebook Fan page with a “Like” button, online registrations for programs, a live studio scheduler, and lots of information on our products and services.</p>
<p>The right margin on their home page is kept current with any new events, contests, or announcements. They rely heavily on “Your Daily News from NAMM” received via e-mail, which not only helps to keep them formed with stories about NAMM members, the industry, music, music education and marketing, but also enables them to share those stories with their music community. They find this to be tremendous resource for keeping their Facebook page fresh, continually updated and informative, as well as to supplement and peak interest in reading our monthly newsletter/ezine publication, <em>The Candyman Music Notes</em>.</p>
<p>They use Constant Contact as their contact management data base and e-mail blasts, and with every e-mail they send to their lists, they are able to automatically post to their Facebook and Twitter accounts. They've chosen to avoid a sales engine at this time, as they desire to maintain and develop their local market share. Their website’s user interface is easy to page through and pleasing to look at and is geared toward steering visitors to their storefront. However, they do sell gift certificates from their website and team with Garage Band & Beyond, a YouTube music product review channel. They provide a product to this professional reviewer who video tapes his review of the product, and provides them with a link to their video. They place the video on their site, as well as an image of the product and a ‘buy’ link for visitors to purchase online.</p>
<p>Candyman has a YouTube Channel that holds videos from their Rock School and Summer Rock Camp programs, the student showcase performances, fun events around the store, how-to videos, and more. They have a Facebook fan page where they provide content on a daily bases. The Candyman uses tagging and other metadata to improve their ability to search and measure the spread of information. They also have a Twitter feed that is continuously updated every time they post to our Facebook page or send out e-mails. With the recent purchase of an HD video camera, they are also working on implementing video into all of their social media. They plan to post video bios of their staff, video demonstrations of their products, how-to and lesson videos on all their instruments, gear and accessories, and so forth. </p>
<p>Watch the video to see more!</p>