NAMM Retail Summit, Breakfast Session (Summer NAMM 2011), Joe Lamond and Robin Lewis

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<div> <p>Retail is changing&mdash;fast. So is the Music Industry. That&rsquo;s why the NAMM Retail Summit was created. This session focused on the critical changes taking place in retail and the vital information you need to stay in business&mdash;and thrive. NAMM President and CEO Joe Lamond sat down with Robin Lewis, co-author of the current best-selling book &ldquo;The New Rules of Retail: Competing in the World&rsquo;s Toughest Marketplace&rdquo; in a frank, one-on-one discussion about the future of retailing. In the book, it&rsquo;s predicted that 50% of all retailers and brands won&rsquo;t survive the latest wave of change. A panel of&nbsp;industry retailers&nbsp;shared&nbsp;their thoughts on how they&rsquo;ve adapted to the changing retail climate and how it&rsquo;s impacted their future business plans. Watch for a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the retail trends that will become your essential roadmap to success.</p> </div>