Turn Your Rental Customers Into Your Best Customers

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<p>Marketing 101 says the best customer is the one you already have. Every fall, a gush of new customers tumble right into our laps during rental season. And, every fall, we provide them with their instruments and supplies&mdash;and that&rsquo;s it. Other than a few reeds or bottles of valve oil during the year, we may not see these customers again until June, if they return their instrument. But, with even the slightest marketing effort, these customers can become your most profitable customers. Join Liz Reisman as she shares how to make a new customer a good customer and a customer for life! Liz will talk about the basic tools you&rsquo;ll need, including a marketing calendar, telephone, e-mail or texting privilege, social media, Constant Contact or another e-newsletter service provider, and basic training for your sales staff. It really works!</p>