How to Turn Facebook 'Likes' Into Sales

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<p>In just two years, Hello Music built a Facebook musician community of 400,000-plus members. This drives 25 percent of the company&#39;s sales, according to Hello Music President Rick Camino. At Summer NAMM 2013, he shared proven tricks, tips and tactics for getting more Facebook &quot;likes&quot; and turning those &quot;likes&quot; into sales.<br /> <br /> <span>Highlights from the video:</span><br /> <br /> <b>Generate More &#39;Likes&#39;</b><br /> <span>&quot;One of the most powerful tools that we have in terms of recruiting members on Facebook is sweepstakes,&quot; Camino said. &quot;We actually promote sweepstakes within unique tribes of musicians.</span><br /> <br /> <span>&quot;We give away aspirational products essentially in trade for social endorsement. So if you want to enter in the sweepstakes, you&#39;ve got to &#39;like&#39; Hello Music. And often, we actually ask you to &#39;share&#39; Hello Music. What that results in is somewhere between 400 and 500 new members a day, all through viral marketing.</span><br /> <br /> <span>&quot;The next step in the process to becoming a member of Hello Music is [we] will actually incentivize you to invite your friends. So through the Facebook API, we can actually serve up a little modal that says, &#39;Would you like to invite your Facebook friends?&#39; &hellip; And in doing so, for every three members that actually sign up, we give you a $5 credit that you can use anywhere on the site.&quot;</span><br /> <br /> <b>Keep Users Engaged</b><br /> <span>&quot;The call to action is not necessarily only to purchase, but it&#39;s also to engage. You can tell us if you like it. You can make comments on it. We get plenty of, &#39;I love this,&#39; and plenty of, &#39;I would not buy this.&#39; And it&#39;s an open forum for people to tell us what they like. And, in fact, our members become our most powerful salesmen in most cases.</span><br /> <br /> <span>&quot;Once our members become customers, we actually ask if it&#39;s OK that we share their purchases on their social media wall. In most cases, it&#39;s a form of social status to actually share what you&#39;ve purchased, especially if it&#39;s an aspirational buy. And most [customers] allow us to actually share their purchases on the social wall, which then results in inquiries and more members.&quot;</span><br /> <br /> <b>Design Considerations</b><br /> <span>&quot;The platform is visual. I would say the power of visual to copy is probably 10 to one, so make sure that you&#39;re posting really quality, hot pictures.</span><br /> <br /> <span>&quot;Make the guitar look hot. Put it in the lifestyle setting. Take your own photos. Whatever your presentation is, make it unique, special and different, and you&#39;ll see a 10x response rate.&quot;</span><br /> <br /> <b>Convert &#39;Likes&#39; Into Sales</b><br /> <span>&quot;One of the things we do is presales. So we give them early access to some of the hottest products and services that we have.</span><br /> <br /> <span>&quot;We do exclusives. We actually buy products or curate services specifically for the Facebook community that are only available for those on Facebook.</span><br /> <br /> <span>&quot;We do polls and surveys to our community. If we&#39;re debating what color guitar we should buy, if we should buy a particular drum set, if there&#39;s a new piece of electronics that&#39;s come out, sometimes we&#39;ll just engage the community behind the scenes. We recently did a behind-the-scenes survey and had 1,500 people participate in less than 48 hours. Pretty powerful information.</span><br /> <br /> <span>&quot;Coupons and promotions&mdash;incredibly powerful. If you&#39;re going to have a weekend sale, you can start promoting on Thursday night through Facebook.</span><br /> <br /> <span>&quot;We&#39;ve also had a tremendous amount of success with trivia. Featuring fans, making your customers heroes of the products is important.</span><br /> <br /> <span>&quot;Respond to any and all constructive feedback online. I would say that half of what we get is not necessarily what we want to hear. But you&#39;ve got to respond to it. You&#39;ve got to engage it. It&#39;s an open forum. It gives you authenticity, and it gives you credibility.&quot;</span></p>