The Keys to a Powerful Website
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<p>If you do a Google search for ‘sweetwater,’ comes up first out of 25 million results. It’s just one example of what a powerful website can do for your business. And as a retailer, you want your business to get a top listing when customers do a local search.<br />
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<span>At 2014 Summer NAMM, Sweetwater Vice President of Marketing Mike Ross took the mystery out of creating a powerful website. He delved into such topics as mobile responsive design, how and eBay play into a retailer’s website strategy, creating customer loyalty, how to optimize a site for local ISP searches, and SEO.</span><br />
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<span>Ross reminded the audience that music retailers have a built-in advantage online—consumers are interested in them and want what they sell.</span><br />
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<span>According to Ross, music stores have a level playing field when it comes to using the Internet. What really counts is how they use it and their message. Ross encouraged retailers to first decide, “What is your goal?” This includes deciding who you are and what you specialize in, so you can build a website focused on what you do best.<br />
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</span><span>The biggest takeaway? Unique content is king. Why does a customer want to shop with you, and what have you done on your site that makes it easy for customers to be your customers?</span></p>