10 eBay Strategies That Maximize Your Sales and Profits
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<p>Do you take advantage of eBay? If not, you might be missing a huge opportunity. At 2014 Summer NAMM, Blues Angel Music co-owner Jim DeStafney and his eBay facilitator, Sierra Williams, presented specific eBay strategies that have worked for them—based on mistakes they’ve made since venturing into eBay nearly five years ago.<br />
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<span>Their lessons learned will help take the sting out of getting started on eBay. DeStafney cited getting involved with the online auction and e-commerce platform as one of the most important factors that spurred his store’s recent growth.</span><br />
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<span>“With 116 million buyers who visit eBay on a regular basis with money to spend, it’s the No. 1 channel and an inexpensive way to get your store and instruments online to supplement your income,” he said.</span><br />
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<span>Along with generating sales and profit, eBay can also be an effective way to develop a store’s identity with online consumers, according to DeStafney. He shared that his ultimate objective is to turn an eBay customer into a Blues Angel customer.</span><br />
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<span>The following checklist outlines Blues Angel’s 10 key eBay strategies. Use it to get your business successfully up and running on eBay, and watch the session video for more session highlights and ideas.</span><br />
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<strong>1. Pursue used gear.</strong><span> It can be a profit-generator, and buying smart often yields big profits.</span><br />
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<strong>2. Provide world-class customer service.</strong><span> You can never thank your customers enough.</span><br />
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<strong>3. Be a great communicator.</strong><span> This starts with the item’s description, but remember: All eBay communications with customers are critical.</span><br />
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<strong>4. Optimize your item listing.</strong><span> Accuracy, honesty and specs are key in item descriptions.</span><br />
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<strong>5. Shoot good photos. </strong><span>Set up a simple photo studio in your store with proper lighting, and use neutral backgrounds, such as black or white. Posting more photos will likely result in more activity.</span><br />
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<strong>6. Become a top-rated seller.</strong><span> It improves the bottom line, eBay fees will come down, it moves listings higher, and the top-rated seller logo creates credibility.</span><br />
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<strong>7.</strong><span> </span><strong>Pack and ship with pride.</strong><span> Have a dedicated shipping station, and follow the item from sale to mail with a tracking sheet.</span><br />
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<strong>8.</strong><span> </span><strong>Sell to the world. </strong><span>You can safely ship internationally, and eBay sales to international customers can really pay off.</span><br />
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<strong>9. Keep a positive attitude.</strong><span> Encountering eBay returns, problems and negative feedback are all part of playing the game. eBay provides seller support and advice.</span><br />
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<strong>10. Keep adding item listings.</strong><span> Set daily, weekly and monthly listing goals.</span></p>