Pro Audio

Phil Jones grew up in the UK in the 1960s and, like many of his schoolmates, he wanted to be a Beatle!  He played guitar and his first guitar was one he made, and later a bass.  He created his own sound reinforcement company to assist local bands and soon discovered he loved PAs and building...
William Baumzweiger’s father was the product engineer for the Shure company, who famously invented the Unidyne microphone.  Benjamin Baumzweiger is credited with being the driving force behind the creation of the first Unidyne. Benjamin (who later changed his last name to Bauer), began developing...
Tim Vear was interviewed for the NAMM Oral History program in the months leading up to the 75th anniversary of the famous Shure microphone. Tim covered much of the history of this iconic product, as well as some of the reasons why it was such an important cornerstone for the company. He has been a...
George Travis has been to nearly every Bruce Springsteen concert since 1978!  As a noted concert producer, George has been a key element in the innovative concert experiences fans have come to expect when they go to a Springsteen performance.  George has worked with some of the giants in concert...
Mark Engebretson has enjoyed a very long and successful career in pro audio product design and engineering.  In fact, when he was introduced at the 2013 Parnelli Awards to receive the Audio Innovators Award, it was suggested that his finger prints were on more audio products than just about anyone...
Roy Bickel joined the circus as a teenager and at one point held the record for traveling the longest distance after being shot out of a cannon.  One day he was asked if he wanted to make a little extra money helping with the rigging of the sound system –and Roy soon found his career!  He rigged...
Mo Morrison could often be found behind the stage at every concert and performance by Lady Gaga.  As a concert production and tour manager, he worked with many of the biggest and brightest stars in pop music and rock and roll.  His career started as a stage hand and rigger, which led to such...
Jimmy "Cricket" Lockard earned his nick name while playing the electric guitar in the sound of a chirping cricket.  Since there were two other Jimmy's at the time, the name Cricket stuck -it's even on his business card.  Cricket began going to Hot Licks Guitar Shop as a customer, playing for hours...
Dave Phillips met his wife in a band he created in high school.  They have been making music ever since and as of 1977 when they opened their retailing business, they have assisted countless others to do the same!  Dave Phillips Music & Sound has three locations in and around Western New Jersey...
Alice Phillips met her future husband when she joined a band while in high school.  Dave sought to learn about the technical side of the business while Alice developed a background in the business and accounting end of things.  Together they made for a perfect team and had their sights on opening...
