
Conrad Sundholm is the founder of Sunn Amplifiers and Biamp Systems, which revolutionized the music industry with several key design innovations, designs, and products.  Although Conrad was building amps for his brother as early as 1961, Sunn became a big influence, especially on bass amp makers...
Cal Perkins was the product engineer for a number of innovative products over his long and successful career.   Cal's background and training on early amplification and audio technology resulted in his involvement with several key products for JBL, Mackie Design, and Biamp Systems, among others.  ...
Herschel Blankenship’s love for music all began when he saw Buddy Holly on the Ed Sullivan show as a kid. It sparked his interest and led him down a path filled with performing and touring. After working for many years in the music industry, he became a founder of Schecter Guitar Research – a...
Mal Stich worked for the BC Rich Guitar Company from 1975 until 1985, which was an important time of growth for the guitar maker. Mal helped the company's founder, Bernard Rico, expand the models, enhance the distribution, and monitor the quality control while working in the factory.  Over the ten...
Tom Wittrock remembers the very moment he decided to dedicate his career to the guitar: when he purchased his first Les Paul sunburst in the mid-1970s.  Many of his friends thought he was crazy when he paid more for a used instrument instead of getting a new one cheaper, but Tom knew just what he...
Steve Grindrod is the guitar amplifier designer who has pioneered the master-volume models for Marshall with design work on the JCM800 and Silver Jubilee lines as well as the Marshall JCM900.  While working on his own amp line, Steve moved to China and partnered with IAG to establish Albion...
Barry Andrews has seen it all. Barry helped take a fledgling amp company, Quilter Sound Things, from a small shop to one of the most successful companies in the music industry, QSC. Along the way Barry’s focus on quality has helped found the basis for the company. Starting in the shop building amps...
John Andrews, along with his brother Barry and co-found Pat Quilter, formed the core that grew QSC into an incredibly successful company. Barry brought John into the business in the early days where he first began running the front office. Moving quickly into the role of Operations and finance,...
Peter Stroud is probably best known for his work as guitarist with Sheryl Crow. While that gig may have helped Peter come to greater recognition, he first developed his love of gear while working in a music store. This love of gear has lead Peter to try and perfect his sound while playing bigger...
Mark Sampson and his friend, Rick Perrotta, formed Matchless Amplifiers in Mark’s kitchen back in 1989.  Two years later they pulled all of their resources to exhibit at the NAMM Show in Anaheim.  They felt if ever they were going to make this company a success, it was at that moment: the 1991 NAMM...
