1. Musicians Flea Market & Swap Meet
Gordy Wilcher, Owensboro Music Center, Owensboro, Ky.
Wilcher came up with a simple yet inventive idea that’s become a community event tradition. He uses an empty lot next to the store and invites people set up tables to sell gear to fellow musicians.
To host this event, Wilcher offered the following tips:
Pick a date. Make it a Saturday afternoon. Look at your community calendar to coordinate the date, and plan far out. His event is in late fall.
Prepare. Use social media. He keeps a list of exhibitors and calls to remind them.
Lessons learned. Have security at the event. (One exhibitor had his gear stolen.) Watch the weather. Arrange for electrical. Wilcher cautioned retailers not to compete with exhibitors by setting up a big booth with store merchandise. “We want them to have a successful day,” he said.
The most important lesson learned: Keep it free. Wilcher mentioned that he had an exhibitor who sold everything at his booth and made the money he needed for surgery the next day. He became a loyal customer. Bankhead added that this event is a good traffic builder, and as people get rid of old gear, they’re excited to buy new gear.

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