Showcase Your Team's Musical Talent for the Holidays
Every year, my store, Damm Music Center, hosts a holiday concert called "The Best Damm Christmas Concert." This year, it's a week before Christmas.
Everyone on my staff plays an instrument, but there's never a good time for us as a group to showcase our talents. The holiday concert gives us that opportunity. It legitimizes us as musicians and gear experts in the community. And each year, we get to play Christmas music as a band for 200–250 people.
The concert gets promoted through store posters, our website, e-blasts and our Facebook page. It runs from 8–9:30 p.m. We host it at a church located next door to our store. This is especially convenient since we already share the same parking lot.
I wanted it to be a free concert, so there's no admission charge. That said, we do pass a hat around for donations. All funds go to our charity of choice, Center of Hope, which offers emergency financial support to people in need who may not qualify for other social service programs. That works really well. We'll usually collect at least $3,000.
It's a lot of fun. Making music with your staff is a special thing. We're all in the music products industry. We all love music, and sometimes, it's easy to lose sight of that.

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