Product Engineers

Chris Proctor has always been inspired by his instruments and the craft of music making.  As a result, he has sought out opportunities over his career to enhance and expand the range, style, and functionality of his gear whenever possible.  From picks to guitars, Chris has focused on his ideals to...
Mark Gifford was a band instrument repairman before he joined the King Band Instrument Company, now known as Conn-Selmer.  The factory, located outside of Cleveland, Ohio produces a long line of brass instruments, some of which Mark had a hand in designing. The reputation of the company, which...
Theodore Johnson was playing in the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra when he began to think of ideas that would improve his clarinet's mouthpiece. Over time, he designed his own mouthpiece and established his own company, while still performing full-time. His product line grew over time as did the...
Denis Labrecque formed DeLab Consulting in 2015 after a series of positions in the synthesizer, computer music and digital signal processing fields. It all began with learning analog modular synthesis at Electronic Music Laboratories (EML), then working with the team from there that became Star...
Fred Bigeh is the product engineer and one of the three founders of Audix.  Fred has been the key designer for the company's product lines,  notably the OM Series vocal mics and the D Series instrument mics which are now standards in the industry.  Fred launched the company with Cliff Castle, VP of...
Conrad Sundholm is the founder of Sunn Amplifiers and Biamp Systems, which revolutionized the music industry with several key design innovations, designs, and products.  Although Conrad was building amps for his brother as early as 1961, Sunn became a big influence, especially on bass amp makers...
George Kirkwood joined the Rodgers Instrument Corp. in the engineering department just five years after the company was formed by Rodgers Jenkins and Fred Tinker.  Beyond his fourth year with the company, George became Product Engineer on a number of key innovations and product lines for the...
Cal Perkins was the product engineer for a number of innovative products over his long and successful career.   Cal's background and training on early amplification and audio technology resulted in his involvement with several key products for JBL, Mackie Design, and Biamp Systems, among others.  ...
Dick Schalk began working for the Rodgers Instrument Corp. in the 1970s when the Hillsboro, Oregon company was independently owned, then sold to CBS Musical Instruments.  He remained with the company, within the engineering department, through a few different owners and presidents until his...
Rodgers Jenkins is the founder of the Rodgers Instrument Corp., based outside of Portland Oregon.  Under Rodgers leadership, the company developed a strong engineering team that created many firsts for the church and home organ, as well as holding dozens of patents for their innovations.  While...
